hiero-, hier-
(Greek: sacred, holy; religious)
A person who avoids religious objects or rituals, clergymen, or places of religious worship: Tom, a hierophobic, had a very strong dislike of churches ever since he was forced to go to church with his parents every Sunday during the time he was living at home.
An extinct genus of nodosaurid ankylosaur: The classification Hierosaurus refers to the nomenclature ("sacred lizard") that is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which was "Nodosaurus". It was named by G. R. Wieland in 1909.:
Divination by inspecting and interpreting the entrails of victims offered in sacrifices; hieromancy: Hieroscopy is a prediction by examining the internal organs of sacrificed animals and, even of humans, to foretell the future.
A container for sacred items: Mrs. Richison was very religious and had a special hierotheca for her religious objects so she wouldn't forget them on Sundays when she went to church.
An individual who treats people who have diseases with the use of prayers and religious practices: Mrs. Since Mrs. Todd was very religious, she thought that a hierotherapist could come and heal her case of warts on her feet.
Treatment of a disease by prayer and religious practices: The local church in town was giving out pamphlets about healing illnesses by the way of hierotherapy which included devotional appeals to God.
A sacred or holy work or worship: Following the church service that Sunday, Mr. Hill asked the minister if there was any hierourgy for him to do for his church since he was young and able and very devoted to his church.
hierurgical (adjective), more hierurgical, most hierurgical
Relating to sacred rites: The hierurgical performances in the church were well attended on Sunday morning.
Sacred work or performance; liturgy: The hierurgy for the church worship on Sunday had to be prepared by the minister.
This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, the symbol of the Egyptian scribe, will take you to an explanation of hieroglyphs for a greater understanding of these special writing symbols.
Related religious-word units: church; dei-, div-; ecclesi-; fanati-; idol-; -olatry; theo-; zelo-.
Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; icono-; sacro-; sanct-.