gymno-, gymn-
(Greek: unclothed, bare, unclad, disrobed, undressed; naked, nude)
A compulsion to be without wearing any clothing or an abnormal desire to be naked: After reading about gymnomania and noticing that she had a definite problem with wanting to be in the nude even in public, Susan made an appointment with a psychiatrist.
The distinctive epithet (in ancient Greece) of the dances or other exercises performed by boys who did not wear any garments at public festivals: The festivals where this unclad dancing took place and the dancing itself were known as gymnopaedia (primarily a British spelling) or gymnopedia (primarily an American spelling).
gymnopedic, gymnopaedic (adjective); more gymnopedic, more gymnopaedic; most gymnopedic, most gymnopaedic
Relating to certain birds that are completely naked or without any feathers when they hatch: Gymnopedic birds, or those which are called altricial, need constant attention by their parents because they are born in a rather undeveloped condition, having hardly any plumage, needing feeding, and being blind.
gymnopedium, gymnopaedium (noun); gymnopedia; gymnopaedia (pl)
The dances or exercises performed by unclad boys at public festivals in ancient Greece: The gymnopaedia on festive occasions in Greece included boys who were not wearing any attire because it was a tradition in those days.
A special fondness for not wearing raiment or apparel: Because of her gymnophily, the young woman was looking for a group of people with similar desires, so she joined a nudist colony.
1. A pathological fear of being seen without wearing any garments: Sometimes gymnophobia can be noticed among children going through puberty because they don’t want to be seen naked and so they avoid changing rooms, showers, and beaches.
2. A morbid dread of seeing a person without any attire on or of any normally uncovered parts of the body: There are some people who have gymnophobia and so they never take a shower with others because they don't want to see others in the nude.
2. A morbid dread of seeing a person without any attire on or of any normally uncovered parts of the body: There are some people who have gymnophobia and so they never take a shower with others because they don't want to see others in the nude.
The sense that someone is mentally undressing you, or that a person is viewing you with nothing on even though you are fully clothed: When Sally went out with friends, she often had the feeling that the boys were looking through her blouse! Later she found out from her older sister that this was called gymnophoria and that it might turn out to be a problem for her.
gymnopterous (adjective), more gymnopterous, most gymnopterous
Descriptive of insects that have clear or bare wings, without hairs or scales; having sheathless wings: In biology class, Ingrid found out that dragonflies were gymnopterous because they have very thin, slender, and translucent wings through which light can shine.
gymnorhinal (adjective), more gymnorhinal, most gymnorhinal
The nostril or nose region that is not covered by feathers or having bare noses, as with some birds: During Patricia's course in zoology, she learned that certain avifauna; like specific jays or auks, have gymnorhinal beaks.
gymnoscopic (adjective), more gymnoscopic, most gymnoscopic
A reference to someone who has a desire to see bare or unclothed bodies: After getting to know her boyfriend better, Janet found out that he behaved in a gymnoscopic way, wanting especially to watch late movies on TV which were showing nude actresses.
The supposed practices of Indian monks without raiment, as described by some confused early Christian writers: Gymnosophism is Greek for "naked sages"; actually, only the ascetic Jains practiced Nudism, while Buddhists wore saffron robes.
1. One of a sect of ancient Hindu philosophers of ascetic habits (known to the Greeks through the reports of the companions of Alexander), who wore little or no clothing, denied themselves meat, and gave themselves up to mystical contemplation: The Hindu philosophers, or gymnosophists, went around with naked feet and almost no clothing.
3. Etymology: from Greek gymnos, "naked" + sophistes, "sage, wise".
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The gymnosophists lived in woods, subsisted on roots, never married, and they believed in the transmigration or movement of souls after death to other bodies or substances, usually human or animal.
2. Those who participate in activities with others without wearing clothing, or garments, because they believe it is a more wholesome or a healthier way to live: In some areas of the world, there are gymnosophists who live in what are called "nudist colonies" because they believe it is a more acceptable way of living.3. Etymology: from Greek gymnos, "naked" + sophistes, "sage, wise".

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The wisdom or accumulated knowledge and experience of the lifestyle of being nude: Gymnosophy was adopted by several groups as an extensive philosophy which included, as a central belief, that the bare body is a natural condition and it should be widely acceptable for the enhancement of human society.
In botany, having seeds which are not enclosed in an ovary, a carpel, or a shell: In school, June found out in her botany class that conifers, or fruits of pine trees, are gymnosperms, meaning that their seeds are not protected by fruit.
gymnospermous (adjective), more gymnospermous, most gymnospermous
1. A reference to plants having seeds that are not encased or concealed in an ovary or carpel: Gymnospermous plants are, for example, redwoods that have seeds which are not covered by fruit.
2. Etymology: from New Latin Gymnospermae; from Greek gumnospermos; from gumnos, "naked, uncovered" + sperma, "seed".
2. Etymology: from New Latin Gymnospermae; from Greek gumnospermos; from gumnos, "naked, uncovered" + sperma, "seed".
A related "unclothed; uncovered" word family: nudo-, nudi-.