grav-, griev-
(Latin: heavy, weighty)
1. The force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially, the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface.
2. The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body; such as, the earth, upon terrestrial objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of its body.
3. The seriousness or importance of something or the seriousness of anything considered in terms of its unfavorable consequences.
2. The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body; such as, the earth, upon terrestrial objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of its body.
3. The seriousness or importance of something or the seriousness of anything considered in terms of its unfavorable consequences.
grief (s), griefs (pl) (noun forms)
1. A deep mental anguish; such as, that which comes from bereavement: "The young man has not been able to recover from his grief over his brother's sudden death."
2. Annoyance or frustration: "Any attempt to follow his instructions brought nothing but grief."
3. Trouble or difficulty: "They told him that they had multiple griefs as they tried to meet the deadline." 4. Etymology: from the early 13th century, "hardship, suffering, pain, bodily affliction", from Old French grief, "wrong, injustice, misfortune, calamity", from grever, "afflict, burden, oppress", which came from Latin gravare, "to cause grief, to make heavy", from gravis, "weighty".
2. Annoyance or frustration: "Any attempt to follow his instructions brought nothing but grief."
3. Trouble or difficulty: "They told him that they had multiple griefs as they tried to meet the deadline." 4. Etymology: from the early 13th century, "hardship, suffering, pain, bodily affliction", from Old French grief, "wrong, injustice, misfortune, calamity", from grever, "afflict, burden, oppress", which came from Latin gravare, "to cause grief, to make heavy", from gravis, "weighty".
grief-stricken, more grief-stricken, most grief-stricken (adjective forms)
Being very sad or deeply affected by sorrow: "The most grief-stricken child was the youngest little boy because he received a great deal of attention from her."
"The grief-stricken children found it very difficult to accept the fact that their father and mother were killed in the auto accident."
1. A complaint about a real or an imaginary wrong that causes resentment and is a reason for some kind of action: In the petition by the students, they listed several grievances committed by a certain professor.
2. An allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes an injustice: Some smokers have grievances against the restrictions to smoke in public places.
3. Statements in which people say they are unhappy or are not satisfied with certain things: The two labor unions filed formal grievances accusing the company of unfair labor practices.

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2. An allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes an injustice: Some smokers have grievances against the restrictions to smoke in public places.
3. Statements in which people say they are unhappy or are not satisfied with certain things: The two labor unions filed formal grievances accusing the company of unfair labor practices.

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grieve, grieves, grieved, grieving (verb forms)
1. To cause a person to feel sad or unhappy: "She told her friend that it grieves her to see her sister struggling to recover from her a car accident."
2. To feel or to show mental anguish or sadness: "It is essential that people have time to grieve after the death of a member of the family."
2. To feel or to show mental anguish or sadness: "It is essential that people have time to grieve after the death of a member of the family."
"The children are still grieving over the loss of their mother."
grievous, more grievous, most grievous (adjective forms)
1. Being extremely serious or significant: "The group made a bad financial investment and suffered grievous losses."
2. That which is very bad or severe: "The soldier suffered the most grievous wounds possible and yet he still survived."
2. That which is very bad or severe: "The soldier suffered the most grievous wounds possible and yet he still survived."
grievously, more grievously, most grievously (adverb)
Descriptive of that which is very serious, grave, dire, or dangerous: "When the bus slipped off the road and tipped over on its side, many passengers were grievously injured."
"Many soldiers have grievously suffered from their injuries in the Afghan war."
grievousness (s) (noun)
Pain, affliction, calamity, or distress: "He suffered a grievousness of unbearable illness from the virus."
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