grat-, gra-, grac-
(Latin: beloved, pleasing, dear, agreeable; grateful, thankful, pleased)
gratify (verb), gratifies; gratified; gratifying
To satisfy, to give pleasure to, to please: Winning the tournament gratified Jim, the golf pro.

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If something gratifies a person, it makes him or her feel wonderful because it fulfills his or her desires.

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gratis (adjective) (not comparable)
An indication that no money is paid for something: "The gratis food was supplied by a local store owner to the homeless in the neighborhood."
gratis (adverb) (not comparable)
A descriptive term that indicates that no money is paid for something by other people: The manager of the company insisted that several of his employees would be eating gratis at the restaurant with him and his wife in the evening because he wanted to celebrate their wedding anniversary with his fellow workers.
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An appreciative awareness and thankfulness for kindness shown or a gift received: Notes of gratitudes were sent expressing the family’s sincere gratefulness to all of the people who presented them with messages of sympathy and flowers after the death of their father.
gratuitous (adjective), more gratuitous, most gratuitous
Relating to something that is neither necessary nor appropriate: The film that Janet and Bill saw was criticized for its gratuitous violence.

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The flood victims are greatly indebted for the gratuitous help of the nearby towns.

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gratuitously (adverb), more gratuitously, most gratuitously
An amount of money that is given to a person; such as a waiter or waitress, who has performed a service; a tip: A 15 percent gratuity was automatically added to the restaurant bill.

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gratulant (adjective), more gratulant, most gratulant
A reference to the expression of joy, pleasure, or satisfaction.
ingrate, (adjective) more ingrate, most ingrate
ingratiate (verb), ingratiates; ingratiated; ingratiating
ingratiating (adjective), more ingratiating, most ingratiating
1. Relating to a person who is pleasing and agreeable: Grace was an ingratiating saleswoman who was very complimentary to her customers in order to encourage them to buy more clothing.
2. A reference to someone who pleases another person in order to win favor: James was making an ingratiating effort to please his boss.

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2. A reference to someone who pleases another person in order to win favor: James was making an ingratiating effort to please his boss.