(s) (noun), geofacts
A rock which is difficult to discern from a man-made artefact: Such
geofacts are chipped naturally and look like real artifacts.
A geofact is also said to be a mineral or rock resource that is found in an archaeological site.
This often reveals evidence of a nearby quarry or some other exotic resource.
geoflex, orocline
(s) (noun); geoflexes; oroclines
An orogenic belt or the formation of mountain ranges by intense upward displacement of the Earth's crust: A geoflex is usually associated with folding, thrust faulting, and other compressional processes with a change in horizontal direction, either a horizontal curvature or a sharp bend.
Informal, geography: At school, one of the mandatory subjects was geog, which dealt with various aspects of the Earth.
(s) (noun), geogens
A physical or chemical feature of the Earth that affects the well-being of organisms: A
geogen is an environmental factor of mankind that can favor the development of certain diseases.
A geogen is a geographical or geochemical aspect of an area which affects organisms living or growing in it.
geogenic factor
(s) (noun), geogenic factors
An element which originates in the soil: Three
geogenic factors originating in the ground are uranium, arsenic, and fluoride, which are very harmful to humans.
Geogenic factors are not those of anthropic or anthropogenic (man-made) origins.
In mycology, referring to an organism that grows in on on the ground: Some fungi are geogenous because they grow in the earth, and are therefore distinct from those that thrive on living forms of life not in the soil.
(s) (noun), geogenies
Outdated, the science of the formation of the Earth: Geogeny especially refers to the earlier developmental phases of the Earth and its role in the solar system.
(pl) (noun)
In mycology (branch of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases), a family of fungi belonging to the order Helotiales (famous blue-green cup fungi that makes its home on oaks): The Geoglossaceae consist of the species commonly known as the "earth tongue" which are found on soil, on rotting wood, and on plant leaves.
(s) (noun), geoglyphs
Any ground-constructed example of rock art by using rocks, stones, earth, etc.: Examples of ,geoglyphs can be intaglios or rock alignments, straight lines, geometric shapes, and other representative designs found on the desert plain.
Geoglyphs can be formed by piling up materials on the ground surface or by removing surface materials and most suggest a largely ceremonial function.
Pertaining to a sizeable design made on the ground using stones, gravel,,by scratching the earth, etc.: Mrs. Timmons was extremely impressed by the geoglyphic drawings the artist was creating on a large surface for everyone to view.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Knowledge of the Earth: Betty's uncle possessed much geognosis from reading many books and articles about the world that people lived on.
(s) (noun), geognosts
Someone who is versed in geognosy; a geologist: At the university, Dr. Smart, the geognost, was very well-liked by all of the students and staff in the geology department.
Characterized by the possession of knowledge of the general structures of the Earth: The students were asked to buy a book , or borrow one from the library, with a sizeable amount of geognostic information and facts for the upcoming semester.
A reference to that part of natural history which deals with the structure of the Earth:
Geognostical science is concerned with the substances which compose the Earth or its crust, their structures, positions, relative situations, and properties.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Knowledge of the general structure of the Earth:
Geognosy is the science dealing with the constituent parts of the Earth, its envelope of air and water, its crust, and the condition of its interior.
Geognosy is that part of geology which is concerned with the materials of the Earth's structure, and its general exterior and interior constitution.
In addition, geognosy is an earlier term for the science of the Earth. It is now replaced by "geology"..
2. Etymology: from Greek; literally "knowledge of the Earth".
Available for further enlightenment: the Earth, Words from the Myths.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)":