geo-, ge- +

(Greek: earth, land, soil; world; Gaia (Greek), Gaea (Latin), "earth goddess")

macrogeography (s) (noun), macrogeographies (pl)
Large-scale, usually highly theoretical, geographical study: I the beginning, Mr. Rock explained the concepts of macrogeography in order to give the students general and wide-ranging geographical concepts of the planet Earth.
Megagaea (s) (noun) (no pl)
A zoogeographical area consisting of the Palaearctic, Nearctic, Ethopian, and Oriental Regions; Arcotogaea: There are three Megagaea areas in the world including Africa, Asia, specific islands southeast of Asia, and North America's polar and temperate zones.
melangeophile (s) (noun), melangeophiles (pl)
An organism that thrives in or on black loam: Some melangeophiles can be wheat, sugarcane, and cotton that all prosper well in soil rich in sand and organic matter.
melangeophilous (adjective), more melangeophilous, most melangeophilous
Pertaining to the existence of organisms that thrive in or on black loam: Melangeophilous vegetables can grow very well in loamy soil, like tomatoes, green beans, and cucumbers.
melangeophily (s) (noun) (no pl)
The preference of organisms to thrive in or on black loam: When planning her garden, June read about melangeophily as being very important for the successful production of the vegetables that she wanted to grow.
microgeoxyl (s) (noun), microgeoxyls (pl)
A low-lying woody plants that sends up numerous stems: A shrub can be a microgeoxyl that is woody, possesses many stems, and js short in growth at ground-level.
Neogaea (s) (noun) (no pl)
A zoogeographical area originally comprising both the Nearctic and Neotropical regions: Now the term Neogaea generally refers to the Neotropical region only.
nosogeography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The geography of illnesses: Nosogeography includes the causes of medical disorders, endemic and epidemic diseases, and their distribution throughout the world.
Notogaea (s) (noun) (no pl)
A zoogeographical area originally comprising both the Australian and Neotropical regions: Nowadays Notogaea is generally used to refer to the Australian region only.
oxygeophilous (adjective), more oxygeophilous, most oxygeophilous
In biology, concerning a life form that thrives in humus-rich habitats: Mrs. Smith wanted to get only oxygeophilous plants for her garden which had very good soil that contained partly decomposed organic matter.
oxygeophyte (s) (noun), oxygeophytes (pl)
A plant growing in humus: In her botany class, Alice learned that oxygeophytes pertained to vegetation that grew in rich soil containing decomposed organic substances.
oxygeophytic (adjective), more oxygeophtic, most oxygeophytic
Pertaining to plant communities in humus-rich habitats: Mr. Lay wondered which oxygeophytic vegetables would thrive best in his garden.
Palaeogaea, Paleogaea (s) (noun) (no pl)
The Eastern Hemisphere (the Old World) regarded as a biological zone: The Palaeogaea was known to be a zoogeograplhical area originally consisting of the Palaearctic, or Palearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, and Australian regions.
paleogeography, palaeogeography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the geographic features of the world in the pas: Paleogeographyis the physical, and occasionally cultural and political geography of ancient times, or of a particular past geological epoch.
paleogeotherm (s) (noun), paleogeotherms (pl)
A pattern of temperature variation that existed in the Earth's crust at some time in the past: When studying geography, Jim leaned about paleogeotherm as being a sequence of temperature changes that were present in the top layer of the planet in earlier times.

Available for further enlightenment: the Earth, Words from the Myths.

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)": agra-; agrest-; agri-; agro-; argill-; choro-; chthon-; epeiro-; glob-; lut-; myso-; pedo-; pel-; rhyp-; soil-; sord-; terr-.