geological, geologic
(adjective), more geologic, most geologic
Descriptive of, or pertaining to, geology or the science of the Earth: The
geological history and structure of the world involves the solid portion (rocks, soils, and minerals) of the Earth.
Geological science deals with the history of the Earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks.
(adverb) (not comparable)
With respect to how the origin, history, and structure of the Earth evolved: Geologically speaking, the region around Death Valley in California is very interesting.
(s) (noun), geologists
A scientist who specializes in the study of the origin, composition, history, structure, and processes of the Earth: Arthur's father was a
geologist who was a professor in the geology department at the university.
One geologist claimed that geologists go to rock'n'roll concerts for entertainment, and when they relax, they rock in a rocking chair, but their favorite kind of transportation is a rocket.
(verb), geologizes; geologized; geologizing
To study geology in general, or to specialize in the geology of a specific place; to geologise (British): Little Timmy wanted to geologize in his backyard and so he collected rocks, sand, and some unwanted plants to look at under the microscope.
(s) (noun), geologies
The study of the Earth in terms of its development as a planet since its origin:
Geology includes the history of its life forms, the materials of which it is made, the processes that affect these materials, and the products that are formed from them.
Geology is the science which includes the structure and mineral constitution of the globe, also termed structural geology.
Geology is the study or science of the Earth, its history, and its life as recorded in the rocks. It also includes the study of geologic features of an area, such as the geometry of rock formations, weathering and erosion, and sedimentation.
Relating to the magnetic properties (geomagnetism) of the Earth: A
geomagnetic study involves the sources, configurations, and changes in the Earth's magnetic field. It includes the interpretation of the remaining magnetism in rocks as a result of the Earth's magnetic field at the time when the rocks were formed, which is known as "paleomagnetism".
geomagnetic cutoff
(s) (noun), geomagnetic cutoffs
In geophysics, the minimum energy of a cosmic-ray particle which can reach the top of the atmosphere at a specified or at a particular geomagnetic latitude: Mr. Sky asked his students if a geomagnetic cutoff referred to the maximum energy or to the lowest energy level of a highly penetrating ionising radiating element of an extraterrestrial origin that would be able to reach the upper part of the atmosphere.
geomagnetic dipole
(s) (noun), geomagnetic dipoles
The dipole or a pair of equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles that are separated by a short distance: A geomagnetic dipole is created by the Earth's magnetic field.
geomagnetic electrokinetograph
(s) (noun), geomagnetic electrokinetographs
An instrument that can be suspended from the side of a moving ship to measure and to calculate the direction and speed of ocean currents: A geomagnetic electrokinetograph is used while the ship is underway by measuring the voltage produced by the Earth's magnetic field in the moving conductive seawater.
geomagnetic element
(s) (noun), geomagnetic elements
The components of the geomagnetic field at the surface of the Earth: The different components in the geomagnetism of the world, called geomagnetic elements, are located on the exterior part of the Earth.
geomagnetic equator
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In geophysics, the imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface formed by the intersection of a plane passing through the Earth's center perpendicular to the axis connecting the north and south magnetic poles: The geomagnetic equator is that terrestrial great circle which is 90° from the geomagnetic poles.
geomagnetic field
(s) (noun), geomagnetic fields
The lines of force encvircling a permanent magnet or a moving charged element: The
magnetic field is present in and around the Earth.
The intensity of the magnetic field at the Earth's surface is approximately 0.32 gauss at the equator and 0.62 gauss at the north pole.
A "gauss" is equivalent to 1 maxwell per square centimeter, and a "Maxwell" is equivalent to the flux that produces one abvolt in a one-turn circuit when the flux is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second, while a "flux" is the electric or magnetic field lines of force that traverse a given cross-sectional area.
geomagnetic noise, geomagnetic interference
(s) (noun); geomagnetic noises; geomagnetic interferences
Any interference in radio communications caused by terrestrial magnetism or the Earth's magnetic field: Geomagnetic noises are unwanted radio frequencies that are caused by fluctuations in the geomagnetic field of the Earth.
geomagnetic pole
(s) (noun), geomagnetic poles
Either of two antipodal (opposite) points marking the intersection of the Earth's surface with the extended axis of a powerful magnet bar which is assumed to be located at the center of the Earth and indicating the source of the actual magnetic field of the Earth: A
geomagnetic pole is one of two regions of the Earth with very high magnetic field strength, taken to be the points at which a line, drawn between the poles of a magnetic dipole generating the Earth's magnetic field and extending out in both directions, would cross the Earth's surface.
The north pole of a magnet, such as a compass needle, is attracted to the geomagnetic north pole because the Earth's north pole is actually a magnetic south pole (and its geomagnetic south pole is a magnetic north pole).
geomagnetic reversal, geomagnetic field reversal
(s) (noun), geomagnetic reversals
Alternation of the Earth's magnetic polarity or a reversal of the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field which has occurred in the past as shown by the remanent magnetization found in igneous and sedimentary rocks: The Earth's internal
geomagnetic field reversal changes, on average, about every 300,000 to 1 million years.
This geomagnetic reversal is very sudden on a geologic time scale, apparently taking about 5,000 years.
The time between reversals is highly variable, sometimes less than 40,000 years and at other times as long as 35 million years and no regularities or period times have been discovered so far.
A long interval of one polarity may be followed by a short interval of an opposite polarity.
Available for further enlightenment: the Earth, Words from the Myths.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)":