geno-, gen-, genit-, gener-, -gen

(Greek > Latin: race, kind; line of descent; origin, creation; pertaining to sexual relations, reproduction, or heredity; and more recently, a gene or genes)

oxygenotaxis (s) (noun), oxygenotaxes (pl)
A directed response of a motile organism towards or away from an oxygen stimulus; aerotaxis: The changes in the amount of oxygen concentration in air, for example, has an influence on bacterial movement, also termed oxygenotaxis, or on other organisms.
oxygenotropism (s) (noun) (no pl)
An orientation movement induced by an oxygen gradient stimulus; aerotropism: Oxygenotropism refers to the growth of a plant in the direction of air or oxygen.
palingenesis (s) (noun), palingeneses (pl)
1. in religion, the spiritual rebirth of a person by means of baptism.
2. Regeneration, birth over again; revival, re-animation, resuscitation.
3. In medicine, the regeneration or restoration of a lost body part.
4. The appearances of ancestral characteristics in successive generations.
palingenetic (adjective), more palingenetic, most palingenetic
Relating to, belonging to, or of the nature of the reproduction of ancestral characteristics of an organism from its embryo stage to an adult level.
In a parthenogenetic manner; in the way of or by means of parthenogenesis.
1. A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.
2. Reproduction without concourse of opposite sexes or union of sexual elements.
3. Reproduction from a gamete without fertilization, occurring most commonly in invertebrates and lower plants. Formerly also: asexual reproduction, as by fission or budding.
4. Also see tychoparthenogenesis in this unit.
parthenogenetic, parthenogenous, parthenogeny
1. In biology, pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by parthenogenesis; reproducing by parthenogenesis.
2. Born of a virgin; as a parthenogenetic deity.
An organism of parthenogenetic origin, having only one parent.
A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.
pathogenesis (s) (noun), pathogeneses (pl)
The origin and developmental course of a disease or mental disorder: When Susan asked the doctor how she got the measles, she asked about the pathogenesis of that illness which was caused by a virus accompanied or succeeded by a high fever and red spots all over her body.
pathogeny (s) (noun), pathogenies (pl)
The development of morbid conditions or of a disease: The pathogenies of some illnesses and infections are still being researched, especially in order to find cures for them.
pelogenous (adjective), more pelogenous, most pelogenous
In phytogeography, concerning a fine-grained, earthy or claylike consistence, typical of soils: In his book, Sam read that some plants needed pelogenous dirt to thrive successfully.
Induced or caused by poverty.