geno-, gen-, genit-, gener-, -gen

(Greek > Latin: race, kind; line of descent; origin, creation; pertaining to sexual relations, reproduction, or heredity; and more recently, a gene or genes)

gynogenesis, gynogenetic
1. Reproduction in which the development of the embryo occurs as a result of the penetration of an ovum by a sperm but does not involve the nuclear material of the latter.
2. Egg development activated by a spermatozoon, but to which the male gamete contributes no genetic material.
3. The process in which an egg develops parthenogenetically after the egg has been activated by sperm or pollen; pseudogamy.
4. The development whereby the embryo contains only the female parent’s chromosomes because the sperm that activated the ovum degenerated before it could combine with the egg nucleus.
Producing female offspring only.
hemogenesis, haemogenesis; hematogenesis, haematogenesis
The formation of blood cells in the living body; especially, in the bone marrow; also, hematopoiesis, haematopoiesis, hemopoiesis, haemopoiesis, sanguification.

In the embryo and fetus it takes place in a variety of sites including the liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow; from birth throughout the rest of one's life it is mainly in the bone marrow with a small amount occurring in lymph nodes.

heredoretinopathia congenita
Hereditary retinopathy.
heterogenesis (s) (noun), heterogeneses (pl)
The alternation of generations: abiogenesis; spontaneous generation: Heterogenesis is the class of animals or vegetables of low organization that develop from inorganic matter.

Heterogenesis is the birth or origination of a living being otherwise than from a parent of the same kind.

heterogenous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to one body in respect of another, or of various bodies in respect to each other, that which is diverse in kind or nature, of completely different characters; incongruous; foreign: Jack found out that a heterogenous mixture was one that consisted of two substances that did not merge, like water and oil.
2. Relating to something that didn't originate inside the body: Sam learned that a heterogenous skin graft was one that did not come from the same source, individual, or species
histogenesis, histogeny
1. The development of the special characters of the tissue of an embryo or of the developing organ of an adult.
2. The creation and development of tissues arising from undifferentiated embryonic cells.

Histogenesis involves the formation of multinucleate fibers and striations of muscle and of collagen and fibroblasts in the skin.

1. Made by the tissues.
2. Of or relating to histogenesis.
3. A descriptive word referring to histogenesis.
1. Developed from blood and some tissue type.
2. Formed from both the tissues and the blood.