geno-, gen-, genit-, gener-, -gen
(Greek > Latin: race, kind; line of descent; origin, creation; pertaining to sexual relations, reproduction, or heredity; and more recently, a gene or genes)
An anal laceration (a torn jagged wound) caused by feces.
The formation or production of fibrin.
1. A concentration of fibrinogen in the blood that is less than what is considered to be normal.
2. The reduction or decrease in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, usually because of a liver disorder.
2. The reduction or decrease in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, usually because of a liver disorder.
flatulogenous (adjective), more flatulogenous, most flatulogenous
A reference to conditions, or situations, which can cause or generate gas in the stomach or intestines: Stress is known to trigger, to aggravate, or to be flatulogenous causes of ailments for some people.
forensic genetics
The branch of genetics that deals with the application of genetic knowledge to legal problems and legal proceedings.
Forensic genetics is also a branch of forensic medicine which more broadly investigates the application of medical knowledge that were applicable to legal matters.
This is not a new field. Long before the era of DNA fingerprinting investigators used blood grouping, HLA typing, and other tests of genetic markers in blood to try to determine who did it (and, more often, who did not do it).
1. Sexual reproduction.
2. Generation by the conjunction of structures from different individuals.
2. Generation by the conjunction of structures from different individuals.
gelatigenous (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding something that produces or yields gelatin; gelatiniferous: In medical school, Sam viewed the gelatigeneous tissues of the sample given to the students to examine.
1. The investigation of one’s forefathers and family history: Joanna used a great deal of her time in researching the genealogy of her ancestors, trying to find as many historical documents as possible regarding the relationships of her early relatives.

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In biology, the study of intraspecific variations and genetic compositions in relation to the environment.
generalize (verb), generalizes; generalized; generalizing
To make a primary statement or to form the major details about something, rather than any insignificant things: Jim's science teacher was generalizing about the animals which exist in the forest near his community.