(Latin: a suffix; make, do, build, cause, produce)
lustrify (verb), lustrifies; lustrified; lustrifying
To make shiny and bright: Marian lustrfies her hair until it falls into shining or gleaming strands.
magnify (verb), magnifies, magnified, magnifying
1. To praise highly; to glorify, to extol: With time Sharon's fame as an actress was magnified and her fans had big celebrations on her birthday every year.
2. To make greater in size, status, importance, etc.; to enlarge, to increase, to augment, or to advance: By using the megaphone, the volume of Jim's voice was magnified and made it possible for hundreds of people in the town square to hear him.
3. To represent a person, action, or thing as greater than in reality; to exaggerate, intensify: The mirrors in the tiny hallway magnified it to make it look much bigger and more spacious than in actuality.
4. To increase the apparent size of an object by means of a lens, microscope, etc.; to cause to appear larger, literally and figuratively: Hana's big brown eyes were magnified by the glasses she wore making them look huge, dark, and very intriguing!
2. To make greater in size, status, importance, etc.; to enlarge, to increase, to augment, or to advance: By using the megaphone, the volume of Jim's voice was magnified and made it possible for hundreds of people in the town square to hear him.
3. To represent a person, action, or thing as greater than in reality; to exaggerate, intensify: The mirrors in the tiny hallway magnified it to make it look much bigger and more spacious than in actuality.
4. To increase the apparent size of an object by means of a lens, microscope, etc.; to cause to appear larger, literally and figuratively: Hana's big brown eyes were magnified by the glasses she wore making them look huge, dark, and very intriguing!
mollify (verb), mollifies; mollified; mollifying
1. To calm in temper or feeling; to soothe and to pacify: Flowers did not mollify Jim's girlfriend who was still angry that he didn't remember her birthday the day before.
2. To reduce the rigidity of; to soften a situation or condition: The governor of the state tried to mollify his critics with apologies.
3. To cause to be more favorably inclined; to gain the good will of: The landlord fixed the heater, but the tenants still were not mollified.
4. Etymology: from Latin mollis, "soft" +, "to make"; literally, "to make soft" and so, "to make less angry or violent".

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2. To reduce the rigidity of; to soften a situation or condition: The governor of the state tried to mollify his critics with apologies.
3. To cause to be more favorably inclined; to gain the good will of: The landlord fixed the heater, but the tenants still were not mollified.
4. Etymology: from Latin mollis, "soft" +

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mortify (verb), mortifies; mortified; mortifying
1. To decay and to die: The flesh on Jim's leg had mortified because it was affected by necrosis after his terrible accident.
2. To make someone feel ashamed and humiliated either on purpose or by accident: After Tom went to the barber shop and got his hair died green, he mortified his mother when he went to visit her at work!
3. To use self-imposed discipline, hardship, abstinence from pleasure: Self-inflicted pain is used to mortify an attempt to control or to put an end to one's desires and passions; especially, for religious purposes.

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2. To make someone feel ashamed and humiliated either on purpose or by accident: After Tom went to the barber shop and got his hair died green, he mortified his mother when he went to visit her at work!
3. To use self-imposed discipline, hardship, abstinence from pleasure: Self-inflicted pain is used to mortify an attempt to control or to put an end to one's desires and passions; especially, for religious purposes.

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nidify (verb), nidifies; nidified; nidifying
To build or to construct a nest or nests: Gerda was using her binoculars to watch a pair of sparrows nidifing in the branches of a nearby tree.
notify (verb), notifies; notified; notifing
1. To counteract the force or effectiveness of or to have the effect of canceling something out.
2. To revoke something or to make it invalid; negate, revoke, veto, void, and undo.
3. To make a legal agreement or decision to have no legal force.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin nullificare, "to esteem lightly, despise, to make nothing"; from Latin nullus, "not any" + root of facere, "to make".
2. To revoke something or to make it invalid; negate, revoke, veto, void, and undo.
3. To make a legal agreement or decision to have no legal force.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin nullificare, "to esteem lightly, despise, to make nothing"; from Latin nullus, "not any" + root of facere, "to make".
nutrify (verb), nutrifies; nutrified; nutrifying
To give nourishment to the body: Mark has a program to nutrify his physical condition by learning to watch portion sizes; especially, of fat-rich or high-fat meats, dairy products, and desserts.
Mark also nutrifies his meals by eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables; plus physical activities to balance his energy intake for a better life.
opsonify, opsonifies, opsonified, opsonifying (verb forms)
1. To make bacteria more liable to destruction by phagocytes.
2. To modify bacteria and other cells to make them more susceptible to phagocytosis.
2. To modify bacteria and other cells to make them more susceptible to phagocytosis.
Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell engulfs particles; such as, bacteria, other microorganisms, aged red blood cells, foreign matter, etc.
The principal phagocytes (cells that can engage in phagocytosis) include the neutrophils and monocytes (types of white blood cells or cells that the body makes to help fight infections).