fug-, -fuge, -fugit
(Latin: drive away, flee, fly, run away)
lucifugal (adjective), more lucifugal, most lucifugal
1. Intolerant of light.
2. Shunning or avoiding light.
2. Shunning or avoiding light.
nidifugous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to birds which are hatched with very small and soft feathers, well-developed legs, open eyes, the capacity to feed themselves, and the ability to leave their nests shortly after hatching: A nidifugous quail, duck, or pheasant is covered with down (hair-like feathers) when it is born, and as soon as it is dry, it is able to walk, follow its parents, and pick up its own food.
2. Etymology: from Latin nidus, "nest" + fugere, "to flee".
2. Etymology: from Latin nidus, "nest" + fugere, "to flee".
phrontifugic (adjective), more phrontifugic, most phrontifugic
A reference to banishing or relieving anxiety by escaping from one's thoughts.
1. A shelter or place of protection from physical danger or weather: While hiking, a thunderstorm suddenly started up and the two girls had to find a refuge in order to protect themselves from the bad rain.
2. Something that offers or appears to offer shielding and safety: When Jim's life became unbearable after losing his job, he and his wife found refuge with her parents who were able to give them some financial support.

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2. Something that offers or appears to offer shielding and safety: When Jim's life became unbearable after losing his job, he and his wife found refuge with her parents who were able to give them some financial support.

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refuge, (verb), refuges; refuged; refuging
A person, or people, who flee for shelter or safety; especially, to a foreign country, as in a time of political upheaval, war, etc.: The recent military conflicts in Syria have resulted in thousands of refugees seeking shelter in other countries.
solifugal (adjective), more solifugal, most solifugal
Moving or tending to move away from the sun.
That which prevents or keeps sleep away.
somnifugous (adjective), more somnifugous, most somnifugous
1. A reference to dispelling or resisting falling asleep.
2. Descriptive of banishing or driving sleep away.
2. Descriptive of banishing or driving sleep away.
Tempus fugit (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Time flies."

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Expressing concern that a person's time is limited and it is being consumed by something which may not be important at that moment.

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vermifugal (adjective), more vermifugal, most vermifugal
Relating to any drug or agent which is able to destroy or to expel intestinal worms.
A drug or an agent which is able to destroy or to expel intestinal worms.
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