frug-, fruct-
(Latin: fruit; from Old French fruit, from Latin fructus, "fruit, produce, profit" from frug-, stem of frui, "to use, to enjoy".)
frug, frugging
1. Fund raising under the guise of survey research.
2. Pretending to be conducting a survey when really trying to raise funds for some cause.
3. Considered to be unethical behavior by professional market researchers.
2. Pretending to be conducting a survey when really trying to raise funds for some cause.
3. Considered to be unethical behavior by professional market researchers.
frugal (FROO g'l, FROO guhl) (adjective), more frugal, most frugal
1. A reference to spending very little money and only on things that are really necessary: Jesse and Jewell are very frugal spenders of their incomes.

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Leo is a very frugal shopper in that he buys only what he absolutely needs and nothing more.
2. Relating to someone or an organization that is economical in use or expenditure of funds; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful or not excessive, in the use of something: James and his family used clothing, towels, and other items in their home in a frugal manner.There are some people who, because of circumstances beyond their control, are forced to use what they have available in a frugal way in order to conserve their limited resources.
Some people are financially forced to live more frugal lives whether they want to or not.
3. Etymology: from Middle French (written and spoken c. 1400-c.1600) frugal, from Latin frugalis, frugi, "economical, useful, proper"; originally from frux, fruges, "fruit, profit, value"; related to fructus, "fruit".

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Sense evolved in Latin from "useful" to "profitable" to "economical".
1. Having prudence or wisdom in avoiding waste: When people try to avoid wasting things by reusing items that most people throw away, their frugalities will save them money.
2. People who find ways of making things useful that others just throw away: An example of frugality is the use of old t-shirts for rags instead of throwing them away; so, frugality is an unwillingness to waste things.
2. People who find ways of making things useful that others just throw away: An example of frugality is the use of old t-shirts for rags instead of throwing them away; so, frugality is an unwillingness to waste things.
Frugality is considered to be thriftiness in the expenditure of money, objects, or resources.
frugally (FROO guh lee) (adverb), more frugally, most frugally
A reference to being careful about not spending excessive amounts of money or not using things when it is not necessary: Mildred is frugally spending money only when it is absolutely necessary.
Patricia's family frugally eats food that is nourishing, natural, and as inexpensive as possible; and they also consume it in quantities that are not excessive.
1. Prudence in avoiding waste.
2. To use with restraint.
2. To use with restraint.
1. Bearing fruit.
2. Producing fruit; fruitful; fructiferous.
2. Producing fruit; fruitful; fructiferous.
The fruit bat; a group of the Cheiroptera, comprising the bats that live on fruits.
1. Any chiefly fruit-eating organism or creature.
2. An animal, such as a chimpanzee or fruit bat, that feeds primarily on fruit.
2. An animal, such as a chimpanzee or fruit bat, that feeds primarily on fruit.
1. Eating or feeding on fruit.
2. Feeding on fruit; such as, birds and other animals.
2. Feeding on fruit; such as, birds and other animals.
1. The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.
2. An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of a plant structure.
3. A part or an amount of a plant product, served as food.
4. The fertile, often spore-bearing structure of a plant that does not bear seeds.
5. A plant crop or product; such as, the fruits of the earth.
6. The consequence of some effort or action: result; outcome; such as, "the fruit of their labor".
7. Offspring; progeny.
8. A fruity aroma or flavor in a wine.
9. Etymology: from Old French fruit, from Latin fructus, "fruit, produce, profit"; from frug-, stem of frui, "to use, to enjoy". The older sense is preserved in "the fruits of one's labor".
3. A part or an amount of a plant product, served as food.
4. The fertile, often spore-bearing structure of a plant that does not bear seeds.
5. A plant crop or product; such as, the fruits of the earth.
6. The consequence of some effort or action: result; outcome; such as, "the fruit of their labor".
7. Offspring; progeny.
8. A fruity aroma or flavor in a wine.
9. Etymology: from Old French fruit, from Latin fructus, "fruit, produce, profit"; from frug-, stem of frui, "to use, to enjoy". The older sense is preserved in "the fruits of one's labor".
1. The process or the season of growing fruit: The best season for fruitage in Germany is in early summer.
2. Fruit collectively: The yield of fruitage the past year was very poor due to extremely dry weather conditions.
3. The product or result of some effort: Tony was very disappointed in the fruitage of his work at school, although he did all of his homework and paid attention in class.
2. Fruit collectively: The yield of fruitage the past year was very poor due to extremely dry weather conditions.
3. The product or result of some effort: Tony was very disappointed in the fruitage of his work at school, although he did all of his homework and paid attention in class.
1. Someone whose diet includes fruits, seeds, and nuts but no vegetables, grains, or animal products.
2. A person whose diet consists chiefly of fruit.
2. A person whose diet consists chiefly of fruit.
A dealer or seller of fruit.
A woman who sells fruit.
1. Fruit, taken collectively; fruitage.
2. A repository or storage place for fruit.
2. A repository or storage place for fruit.