form-, -form, forma-, format-
(Latin: shape, structure, figure, outer appearance, composition, to compose; visual appearance; spacial arrangement; to develop or to acquire; to produce)
claviform (adjective)
Related to something that is shaped like a club with the end that is away from the handle being thicker.
Formed like a snail-shell.
Shaped like one half of a bivalve shell; shell-shaped; conchate.
conform (verb), conforms; conformed; conforming
1. To comply with rules, standards, or laws: The changes were introduced by the governor to conform with the ordinances of the state.
2. To behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards: When going to a foreign country like Morocco, it is a good idea to conform to the local custom of clothing and to wear something modest.
3. To be similar in form or type; to agree: The steps leading from the first floor to the third floor had to conform in height, so as not to cause accidents for the people living there.
4. Etymology: from Latin conformare, "to fashion, to form, to shape; to educate; to modify";
from com-, "together" + formare, "to form".

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2. To behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards: When going to a foreign country like Morocco, it is a good idea to conform to the local custom of clothing and to wear something modest.
3. To be similar in form or type; to agree: The steps leading from the first floor to the third floor had to conform in height, so as not to cause accidents for the people living there.
4. Etymology: from Latin conformare, "to fashion, to form, to shape; to educate; to modify";
from com-, "together" + formare, "to form".

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1. The situation of two sets of strata being parallel and in contact to each other: Janet read in her book that conformability is used especially in regards to natural geological layers, as with a layer of Algonkian limestones lying parallel on a layer of Cretaceous shales.
2. The state of being inclined or willing to agree or abide by: The conformability of the employees at the firm all liked Mr. Smith, their employer, and consented to doing the reasonable jobs at hand.
2. The state of being inclined or willing to agree or abide by: The conformability of the employees at the firm all liked Mr. Smith, their employer, and consented to doing the reasonable jobs at hand.
conformable (adjective), more conformable, most conformable
1. Inclined to comply with: The workers at the firm were all conformable to the requirements and demands of the manager.
2. Agreeable; concordant: The policies of the condominium building were not conformable in all aspects to the city's policies, so they had to be revised immediately.
2. Agreeable; concordant: The policies of the condominium building were not conformable in all aspects to the city's policies, so they had to be revised immediately.
conformably (adverb), more conformably, most conformably
1. Pertaining to how something is done in a suitable or agreeable manner: In the meeting the members had to decide conformably if the new rules would apply or not.
2. Descriptive of how strata follow in a successive sequence under similar conditions: In the book Jack was reading it said that some very young fossils were lying conformably on top layers of sediments with fossils of earlier times.
2. Descriptive of how strata follow in a successive sequence under similar conditions: In the book Jack was reading it said that some very young fossils were lying conformably on top layers of sediments with fossils of earlier times.
Shaped like, or in the form of, a heart.