allo-, all-

(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")

allophytoid (s) (noun), allophytoids (pl)
A propagative bud, differing from a vegetative bud: An allophytoid is an abnormal form of a small protuberance on a stem or branchbuds like the small buds of the tiger Lilly, or the offspring from a bulb.
alloplasm (s) (noun), alloplasms (pl)
The differentiated portion of protoplasm: Alloplasm can be myofibrils or cilia, but not forming independent organelles.

Alloplasm is a protoplasmic derivative, such as an intercellular substance and cell walls.

alloplasmatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the differentiation of the active protoplasm: Dr. Adams told his students about alloplasmatic distinction of of protoplasm, such as as myofibrils, tonofibrils, cili flagella and cilia.
alloplast (s) (noun), alloplasts (pl)
Am inert inorganic material, such as plastic, used as an implant in humans or animals: An alloplast refers to the replacement of a natural body part or tissue with synthetic material.

An alloplast is a plastic compound of two or more tissues, as opposed to homoplast.

alloplastic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Regarding the placement of an implant: Alloplastic surgery was performed on Virginia’s arm after she had broken it, and a piece of titanim was placed in the right spot. 2. Relating to adaptation achieved by altering the external environment: Alloplastic experiments have always interested people by using objects pits items outside their own bodies.
alloplasty (s) (noun), alloplast9es (pl)
1. In surgery, an operation in which material from outside the human body is utilized: In alloplasty such objects as stainless steel or titanium can be used.
2. The process of adapting by changing the environment rather than by changing oneself: There. have been many efforts of alloplasty to modify an areas to fit the needs of people, like removing a whole forest area in order to build houses.
alloploid (s) (noun, alloploids (pl)
A cell or organism having two or more sets of chromosomes derived from parents of different species or genera; allopolyploid: Mrs. Timmons read in her book of medical germs that alloploid referred to a life form with a combination of chromosome sets from two diploid organisms belonging to different species.
alloploidy (s) (noun) (no pl)
A condition in which there are two or more chromosome sets derived from two different species or genera: Alloploidy is the situation that exists in a hybrid individual.
allopolyploid (s) (noun), allopolyploids (pl)
A hybrid of two different species having more than two sets of chromosomes: Allopolyploids consist of important crops like canola, wheat, and cotton.
allopolyploidy (s) (noun), allopolyploids (pl)
In genetics, an individual that has more than the typical number of chromosomes that come from the interbreeding of different species: The bushes were examined for allopolyploidy and for other types of reticular patterns.
allopsyche (s) (noun), allopsyches (pl)
A person who has an exceptional interest in the outer world instead of his or her own inner life: Janet seems to neglect herself and was only fascinated and involved in the happenings around her.
allopsychic (adjective) (not comparable)
Related to, or referring to, the mental processes and their relationships to the outside world or the external environment: Rosetta made allopsychic adjustments regarding her new roommate at the university.
allopsychosis (s) (noun), allopsychoses (pl)
A mental disease that is characterized by abnormal perceptions or losing touch with reality: "Leo's allopsychosis resulted in his having strange illusions and hallucinations, but he still had normal motor functions; such as, speech."
allopurinol (s) (noun), allopurinols (pl)
A synthetic drug that stops the formation of uric acid: Allopurinol was used to treat Joe’s condition of gout.
Having opposed root and shoot poles.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.