(s) (noun), allopathies
Substitutive therapy or a therapeutic system in which a disease is treated by producing a second condition that is incompatible with, or antagonistic to the first (homeopathy):
Allopathy is a method of treating a disease by introducing a condition that is intended to cause a pathologic reaction which will be antagonistic to the condition being treated.
Allopathy can also be described as a system of medicine in which a disease is treated by producing effects opposed to or incompatible with the effects of the disease process.
The system of medical practice of allopathy treats diseases by the use of remedies which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. Medical doctors are said to practice "allopathic" medicine.
The term "allopathy" was coined in 1842 by C.F.S. Hahnemann to designate the usual, or normal, practice of medicine (allopathy) as opposed to homeopathy, the system of therapy that he founded based on the concept that a disease can be treated with drugs (in minute doses) and so produce the same symptoms in healthy people as the disease itself.
(adverb), more allopatrically, most allopatrically
Characterizing populations or species; especially, those that are closely related to each other, that inhabit geographically different areas: The allopatrically different species of animals that have wings and feathers were living on an island where the other group of the same kind did not exist.
(s) (noun), allopatries
The geographic isolation of populations of organisms or species; especially, from other populations that are closely related to them:
Allopatry involves different but related species that are always separated in some way in nature so they can't interbreed.
Mountain ridges that separate small tropical valleys and which are very high and steep, and conditions on them that can form barriers, are additional examples of allopatries.
(adjective), more allopelagic, most allopelagic
A reference to marine organisms occurring, or living, at various ocean depths: Allopelagic creatures in the pelagic zones move around looking for food or wanting to reproduce at various stages of development, or as a result of influences other than temperature or light.
1. An amorphous clay mineral having a variable composition of aluminum silicate, hydrated water, and traces of other minerals.
2. An amorphous, variously colored, hydrated aluminosilicate mineral.
Incoherent speech.
Incoherent, delirious speech.
(s) (noun), allophemias
A form of partial aphasia or the loss of the ability to articulate ideas or words or even to comprehend one's language: Kerri's allophemia resulted in her being incapable of saying a word, or words, which she wanted to speak.
(s) (noun), allophemies
A medical condition in which a person is unable to use or to understand some words: When Bruce had allophemy, he couldn't express what he wanted to say or he often used the words improperly.
A character that is not produced solely by the action of the genes of the cell or tissue expressing the phenotype.
It may result from interaction with genetically distinct cells or tissues; therefore, transplantation or transfer of the original cells or tissue to a different genetic milieu may cause disappearance or alteration of the allophenic character.
(noun), more allophenic, most allophenic
1. Pertaining to an animal produced by combining blastomeres of different genotypes (i.e., from different pairs of parents).
2. Relating to an orderly coexistence of cells with different phenotypes ascribable to known allelic genotypic differences; mosaic.
(adjective), more allophilous, most allophilous
A reference to a plant that lacks morphological adaptations for attracting and guiding pollinators: It is an advantage for an allophilous flower to have insects help in transferring pollen from an anther to its stigma.
(s) (noun), allophones
One of the slightly differing forms that the same single speech sound (phoneme) can take: "One of two or more articulated and acoustically different forms of the same phoneme; for example, the aspirated p of "pin" and the nonaspirated p of "spin" are allophones of the phoneme p.
(adjective), more allophonic, most allophonic
A red pigment cell found in the skin of fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing":