allo-, all-

(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")

alloxuric (adjective), more alloxuric, most alloxuric
Referring to any agent or condition that increases the excretion of purine: An alloxuric(c situation can be caused by the colorless crystalline nitrogen bases in the urine.
autoallogamy, autallogamy (s) (noun), (no pl)
The condition of a species in which some individuals are adapted to cross fertilization and others to self-fertilization: Autoallogamy can apply to some vegetables, like beans that are self-pollinating, but they do cross-pollinate among the various kinds.
parallactic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to parallax: The parallactic view was apparent whenh Jim walked to the other side of the rooman looked at the photo again.
parallactically (adverb), more parallactically, most parallactically
Referring to how something apparently changes due to the altered position of the observer: James looked at the parallactically fixed or mounted parabola.
parallax (s) (noun), parallaxes (pl)
1. In physics, an apparent change in the position of an object when the person looking at the object changes position: Parallax was explained to Mr. Hill's students as the perceptible alteration of a chair, for example, when a person, who is looking at the chair, changes his or her position.
2. In astronomy, the angle between two imaginary lines from two different observation points meeting at a star: A parallax can apply to the angle between two fictitious lines from two different observation points meeting at a celestial body that is used to measure its distance from the Earth.
photallochromy (s) (noun), photallochromies (pl)
An allotropic change with color alteration due to light, as the change of yellow into red phosphorus.

Allotropism is the existence of a substance in two or more distinct forms with distinct physical properties; for example, graphite and diamond, allotropic forms of carbon.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.