fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence
(Latin: flow, flowing; moving in a continuous and smooth way; wave, moving back and forth)
1. Tending to flow off or away.
2. Easily dissolving.
3. Flowing away on all sides; not fixed.
2. Easily dissolving.
3. Flowing away on all sides; not fixed.
The insertion of short filler sounds into a sentence when a person can't come up with the next word: "An example of disfluency is expressed when someone says, 'He is the ... uh ... um ... head of the company.' "
1. The act or process of flowing out.
2. Something, often an immaterial substance or intangible influence, that flows out from a source.
3. That which flows or issues from any body or substance; issue; efflux.
2. Something, often an immaterial substance or intangible influence, that flows out from a source.
3. That which flows or issues from any body or substance; issue; efflux.
1. A liquid or gas that flows out or flows away; for example, a stream that flows out of a larger stream, a lake, or another body of water.
2. Liquid waste matter that results from sewage treatment or industrial processing; especially, such waste liquid released into waterways: "The factory up the river has been accused of discharging effluents into the river."
2. Liquid waste matter that results from sewage treatment or industrial processing; especially, such waste liquid released into waterways: "The factory up the river has been accused of discharging effluents into the river."
effluvial (adjective)
1. A reference to an invisible emanation or exhalation, as of vapor or gas.
2. Characterized as odorous fumes given off by waste or decaying matter.
3. Etymology: from Latin effluere. "to flow out"; from ex- "out of, from within" + fluere, "to flow".
2. Characterized as odorous fumes given off by waste or decaying matter.
3. Etymology: from Latin effluere. "to flow out"; from ex- "out of, from within" + fluere, "to flow".
1. A foul-smelling outflow or vapor; especially, a gaseous waste.
2. An unpleasant smell or harmful fumes usually given off by waste or decaying matter.
3. A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor; especially, one that is disagreeable or noxious.
2. An unpleasant smell or harmful fumes usually given off by waste or decaying matter.
3. A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor; especially, one that is disagreeable or noxious.
1. The act or process of flowing out; an effluence; such as, an efflux of matter from an ulcer.
2. Something that flows out of something else.
3. The passing away, or an expiration, of something; such as, time.
2. Something that flows out of something else.
3. The passing away, or an expiration, of something; such as, time.
electron fluence, fluence
1. The total energy per unit area carried by a pulse of electromagnetic radiation.
2. A measure of time-integrated particle flux, expressed in particles per square centimeter.
2. A measure of time-integrated particle flux, expressed in particles per square centimeter.
It is used for electrons in electron irradiation and for neutrons in connection with the effects of nuclear radiation on electronic components.
electronic fuse, radio-frequency heating, influence fuse, variable-time fuse, vt fuse
1. A fuse that is ignited by a self-contained electronic element; for example, a proximity fuse or an electronically triggered device designed to detonate an explosive charge in a missile, etc., at a predetermined distance from the target.
2. A fuse; such as, the radio proximity fuse, set off by an electronic device incorporated within it.
2. A fuse; such as, the radio proximity fuse, set off by an electronic device incorporated within it.
A fuse that detonates a warhead when the target is within some specified region near the fuse.
Radio, radar, photoelectric, or other devices may be used as activating elements.
The capacity to make frequent and irregular changes; able to make a variety of movements or actions: The fluctuability that an owl shows with turning its head in an almost complete circle is something that really catches one's eyes!
Long stems of grass or grain growing on the fields show a great amount of fluctuability when the wind blows and causes the long stems to turn in all directions.
1. Fluctuating, or varying in position, condition, etc.; unstable.
2. Undulating, or moving, or seeming to move in waves; wavering; unsteady.
3. Moving or shaped like a wave.
2. Undulating, or moving, or seeming to move in waves; wavering; unsteady.
3. Moving or shaped like a wave.
fluctuate (verb), fluctuates; fluctuated; fluctuating
1. To change often from high to low levels or from one thing to another in an unpredictable way: The temperatures during the summer months where Allen lived fluctuated so much that it caused some days to be very cold and other days to be uncomfortably hot.
2. Frequently changing the level, strength, or value of something that is higher or lower: Oil prices have fluctuated throughout the year.
4. Etymology: from Latin fluctus, "a wave" and means "to move like a wave with alternate rising and falling".

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2. Frequently changing the level, strength, or value of something that is higher or lower: Oil prices have fluctuated throughout the year.
President Trump's popularity has fluctuated during his term in office.
3. To change or to vary often and in an irregular manner; to waver; to be unsteady: David's small boat fluctuated quite a bit on the turbulent sea and sometimes almost turned over.4. Etymology: from Latin fluctus, "a wave" and means "to move like a wave with alternate rising and falling".

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fluctuation, fluctuations
1. Continual change from one point or condition to another.
2. A wavelike motion like that of waves; undulation; a moving in this and that direction; as the fluctuations of the sea.
3. A change in wave motion; such as, a variation in the water level from the normal sea level that is not caused by tide-producing forces.
4. A wavering; unsteadiness; such as, fluctuations of opinion.
5. A rising and falling suddenly; as fluctuations of prices or of monetary funds.
2. A wavelike motion like that of waves; undulation; a moving in this and that direction; as the fluctuations of the sea.
3. A change in wave motion; such as, a variation in the water level from the normal sea level that is not caused by tide-producing forces.
4. A wavering; unsteadiness; such as, fluctuations of opinion.
5. A rising and falling suddenly; as fluctuations of prices or of monetary funds.
1. A duct, pipe, or other passage through which hot or cold air, smoke, or steam may be evacuated.
2. A passage for smoke in a chimney, leading from the fireplace to the top of the chimney, or into another passage; such as, a chimney with four flues.
3. Etymology: from 1582 flew; of uncertain origin; possibly with the meaning of "flow, blow steadily" from Middle English flouen and found in Old English flowan and with Old French fluie, "stream".
2. A passage for smoke in a chimney, leading from the fireplace to the top of the chimney, or into another passage; such as, a chimney with four flues.
3. Etymology: from 1582 flew; of uncertain origin; possibly with the meaning of "flow, blow steadily" from Middle English flouen and found in Old English flowan and with Old French fluie, "stream".