filo-, fil-, filari- +

(Latin: thread, string)

defile (s) (noun), defiles (pl)
1. A narrow gorge or pass that restricts lateral movement, as of troops.
2. A march in a line.
fila radicularia nervorum spinalium
The fine filaments that attach the ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal nerves to the spinal cord.
Composed of filaments.
1. A very fine thread or threadlike structure; a fiber or fibril; such as, filaments of gold.
2. A single fibril of natural or synthetic textile fiber, of indefinite length, sometimes several miles long.
3. A long slender cell or series of attached cells; such as, in some algae and fungi.
4. In botany, the stalklike portion of a stamen, supporting the anther.
5. In a light bulb or other incandescent lamp; the threadlike conductor, often of tungsten, in the bulb that is heated to incandescence by the passage of current.
Made up of long, interwoven or irregularly placed threadlike structures.
filaria (s), filariae (pl)
1. A genus of slender, nematode worms of many species, parasitic in various animals.
2. A long filiform nematode belonging to the superfamily Filarioidea.
Pertaining to a filaria (or filariae), including the microfilaria stage.
1. A chronic disease due to one of the filaria species.
2. Any of various infections, often of the skin, eyes, and lymph nodes, caused by infestations of tissue with filariae.
filaricide, filaricidal
1. Something that destroys Filaria.
2. The killing of filariae (roundworms).
In the form of, or resembling, filariae.
A superfamily or order of nematode parasites, the adults being threadlike worms which invade the tissues and body cavities where the female deposits embryonated eggs [prelarvae] known as microfilariae.

These microfilariae are ingested by blood-sucking insects in whom they pass their developmental stage and are returned to a human by the bites of such insects.

file (s) (noun), files (pl)
1. A folder, cabinet, or other container that holds papers for convenient storage and reference.
2. A collection of related documents or papers arranged so that they can be consulted easily.
3. Computer information: a uniquely named collection of program instructions or data stored on a hard drive, disk, or other storage medium and treated as a single entity.
4. A line of people or things standing or moving behind each other.
5. Etymology: a line, a row; a collection of papers; from Latin filum, "thread" or "string".
file (verb), files; filed; filing
1. To place papers, etc. in order so they can be easily found.
2. To put documents on record to someone in authority so they can be dealt with, approved, or be considered.
3. Etymology: borrowed from Middle French filer, "to string documents on a wire for preservation or reference".
Threadlike or shaped like threads.