-fer, -ferous
(Latin: to bear, to carry; to produce; to bring)
fertilize (verb), fertilizes; fertilized; fertilizing
1. To make an egg able to develop into a living creature: Mack's hens are sitting on their oval reproductive bodies that have been fertilized in order to have baby chicks.
2. To develop soil, or land, so it is richer and better able to support the growth of plants: In addition to the other farmers, Jeff and Wright fertilize their fields by adding natural substances as manure or special chemicals in order to produce more plants for food.
2. To develop soil, or land, so it is richer and better able to support the growth of plants: In addition to the other farmers, Jeff and Wright fertilize their fields by adding natural substances as manure or special chemicals in order to produce more plants for food.
There was a debate among the farmers, in the town where Jeff and Wright live, about whether to use natural or chemical nutrients to fertilize the soil.
3. To make pregnant: Mike owned a famous bull which was hired by other farmers to fertilize the cows so they could bear calves and increase the size of the herds.
fetiferous (adjective), more fetiferous, most fetiferous
Descriptive of a living thing that produces offspring: All fetiferous animals give birth to their young, or when birds hatch, because nature has endowed them with the desire to reproduce their species.
fructiferous (adjective), more fructiferous, most fructiferous
Pertaining to trees or other plants that produce a form of food, some of which taste sweet and contains seeds or a large, hard seed: Apple trees and orange trees are just two examples of fructiferous plants which supply farmers, like Charles and Joseph, with incomes because of their global consumption.
herbiferous (adjective), more herbiferous, most herbiferous
A reference to plants that produce a special kind of vegetation: There are herbiferous flavors and aromas that are related to various types of plants that are either used for medicine or those which give flavors to food.
in vitro fertilization (s) (noun), in vitro fertilisation (British): IVF; in vitro fertilizations (pl)
1. A technique in which human egg cells are fertilized outside a woman's body: An in vitro fertilization is a major treatment for infertility where other methods of achieving conception have failed or is preferred by a couple based on their individual circumstances.
The process of in vitro fertilization involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman's ovaries, like in Jennifer's case, and letting sperm fertilize them in a fluid medium. The fertilized egg (zygote) is then transferred to Jennifer's uterus with the purpose of having a successful pregnancy.
2. Etymology: In vitro is Latin for "in glass", referring to the test tubes; however, neither glass nor test tubes are used, and the term refers generically to laboratory procedures. Babies that are born as a result of in vitro fertilization are sometimes called "test tube babies".
A lack of interest in or being unconcerned about something: Sharon was amazed that the students expressed complete indifference when they heard that their science teacher, Mr. Warren, had to be away for the next two weeks in order to take care of his ailing mother.
indifferent (adjective), more indifferent, most indifferent
Conveying no interest in or not caring or worrying about others or what is going on: There are too many indifferent people who ignore the terror and destruction that is taking place in other countries because such problems don't exist where they live.
indifferently (adverb), more indifferently, most indifferently
In a manner that is apathetic, unfeeling, or characterized as conveying a lack of interest: Keith glanced indifferently at the car accident as he drove past in his truck.
infer (verb), infers; inferred; inferring
To conclude, surmise, judge based on available evidence: Zeek could hear thunder in the background and had seen flashes of lightening; so, he inferred that it would soon rain on his garden; therefore, he turned off the sprinkler in order not to waste water.
The process or act of coming to a logical conclusion based on preliminary evidence or facts which are assumed to be true: The business uses its sales records of past purchases to come up with inferences about what customers are most interested in buying.
inferential (adjective), more inferential, most inferential
Descriptive of the procedure of reaching a logical conclusion based on an interpretation of available facts: Lawrence, the detective, used inferential reasoning in order to come to a conclusion regarding the mystery of the missing race horses.
inferentially (adverb), more inferentially, most inferentially
In a manner of using reasoning to reach a conclusion based on general information or using one's interpretation of information to reach a solution: Again Lawrence, the detective, was inferentially using his extensive background in crime solving combined with the facts he had gleaned through interviews to find a motive for the crime.
inferred (adjective), more inferred, most inferred
Conclusions or information based or hinted from implied data: Sharon's essay was based on inferred information collected about tree cutting which she had received from her uncle who was a logger.
infertile (adjective), more infertile, most infertile
Descriptive of people, land, or ideas that are barren, uninspiring, and without motivating anyone: Margaret described the time between when she was 25 and 30 as the most infertile period of her writing career.
The fact or act of being unable to produce crops or a baby: The infertility of the land contributed to the poverty of the farmers, like Jeff and Joseph; especially, in drought areas of the country.
Her infertility motivated Alice and her husband to consider adopting a child.
Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; ger-; later-, -lation; phoro-; port-.