febri-, febr- +

(Latin: fever)

febricula, febricule
1. A simple continued fever.
2. A mild fever of short duration, of indefinite origin, and without any distinctive pathology.
3. A slight and short fever; especially, when of obscure causation.
A slight or temporary attack of fever of indefinite origin or pathology.
The condition of being in a fever, feverishness.
Feverish, sickened with a fever.
1. A substance that produces fever.
2. Causing or favoring the development of fever.
3. Anything that produces fever.
Anything that causes fever.
Anything that produces fever.
The killing of fever or anything that reduces a fever.
Slightly feverish.
febrifugal (adjective), more febrifugal, most febrifugal
1. An agent which functions to dispel or to reduce fever; such as, a medicine.
2. Mitigating or removing fever
febrifuge (s) (noun), febrifuges (pl)
1. A medication that reduces fever; an antipyretic.
2. Acting to reduce fever.
3. A medicine adapted to drive away or to reduce fever.
Characterized by or pertaining to fever; feverish.
febriphobia, fibriphobia, fibriophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An excessive anxiety of having a fever: Whenever little Tommy got sick and had a high temperature, he was terribly frightened and panicked, and the family doctor said he had febriphobia.
Any disease characterized by elevated body temperature.
Februs, the Roman god of purification from which February was named.