fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
devitrify (verb), devitrifies; devitrified; devitrifying
1. To change from a glassy to a crystalline state and become brittle and opaque, or to cause a material to do this.
2. To cause (a glassy material) to become crystalline and brittle.
3. With reference to a volcanic rock or to a particle; to undergo a change in texture from glassy to crystalline.
2. To cause (a glassy material) to become crystalline and brittle.
3. With reference to a volcanic rock or to a particle; to undergo a change in texture from glassy to crystalline.
The literal and actual meaning of difficult is "not easy".
difficulty (noun), difficulties
1. Something which is not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved.
2. A troublesome or embarrassing state of affairs; especially, of financial affairs.
3. A laborious effort or struggle; trouble: "She had difficulty walking into the classroom where she completed the exam with difficulty."
4. A disagreement or dispute about an issue.
5. Having a reluctance, objection, or unwillingness to do something.
2. A troublesome or embarrassing state of affairs; especially, of financial affairs.
3. A laborious effort or struggle; trouble: "She had difficulty walking into the classroom where she completed the exam with difficulty."
4. A disagreement or dispute about an issue.
5. Having a reluctance, objection, or unwillingness to do something.
dignifiedly (adverb), more dignifiedly, most dignifiedly
Related to existing without agitation or stress and a little formal or serious: "Roy's secretary has a friendly but dignified manner."
"The hotel lobby where the couple stayed had a dignified environment which was also comfortable."
dignify (verb), dignifies; dignified; dignifying
1. To cause a situation to have a more serious and important quality: "Martin's wife was convinced that wearing formal clothing would help to dignify the special occasion."
2. To treat something or a person with respect or seriousness which is not deserved: "The politician said he would not dignify his opponent's slanderous remarks by responding to them."
2. To treat something or a person with respect or seriousness which is not deserved: "The politician said he would not dignify his opponent's slanderous remarks by responding to them."
discomfit (verb), discomfits; discomfited; discomfiting
To make someone confused or upset: The administer was discomfited by the decrease in sales of his company's products.

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A feeling of disappointment, frustration, and embarrassment: Mark noticed the discomfiture of his wife being in the company of his loud and boisterous colleagues.

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1. To spoil, deform, or mar the appearance of someone or something.
2. To cause a permanent change in a person's body, particularly by leaving visible scars which affect a person's appearance.
2. To cause a permanent change in a person's body, particularly by leaving visible scars which affect a person's appearance.