fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication

(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)

terrify (verb), terrifies; terrified; terrifying
1. To frighten; to fill with terror; to intimidate.
2. To fill with terror or alarm; make greatly afraid.
3. To menace or to threaten; to fill with fear.
terrifying (adjective)
1. Causing extreme terror.
2. Frightening or intimidating.
A writing wherein a fact is attested; a certificate.
1. The action or an act of testifying.
2. The testimony given.
3. A fact or object; such as, a document, etc.; serving as evidence or proof.
Someone who testifies or attests; a testifier.
1. To make a factual statement based on personal experience or to declare something to be true from personal experience.
2. To bear witness; to give evidence as a witness; to make a solemn declaration, under oath or affirmation, in a judicial inquiry, for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact.
thermal efficiency
1. A measure of the efficiency of converting a fuel to energy and useful work.
2. An expression of the effect of temperature on the rate of plant growth; assuming other condition are satisfactory.
3. The ratio of the amount of work performed by a heat engine in one cycle to the amount of thermal energy input required to operate the engine over one cycle; a measure of the efficiency of converting a fuel to energy and useful work.
torporific (adjective), more torporific, most torporific
Referring to a condition of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility: "The day long written exam at the university left Pete in the most torporific mental state he had ever experienced."
torrefaction, torrification (s) (noun), torrefactions (pl)
1. A procedure used to dry or roast with an anaerobic heat treatment: In order to make wood waterproof, a process of torrefaction is necessary.
2. The process of drying by exposure to heat or fire:The procedure of torrefaction involves exposing something to heat or highly acidic material.
3. In pharmacy, the drying or roasting of drugs on a metalline plate, placed over or close to coals of fire: In the course of torrefaction the drugs become friable to the fingers (easily crumbled or pulverized or reduced to powder), or until some other desired effect is produced.
torrefied (adjective), more torrefied, most torrefied
Regarding something that has been dried or roasted: The company replaced a large percentage of the coal with torrefied wood which is a process of roasting wood chips in a large furnace to remove the moisture and make the product more brittle and easier to burn.
torrefied rhubarb (s)  (noun), torrefied rhubarb; torrefied rhubarbs (pl)
Rhubarb that has had its purgative powers diminished by roasting: Torrefied rhubarbcan have the effect cleansing of the bowels, but its astringency is not affected.

"Astringency" is the taste experience that takes place when a substance causes the mouth to pucker.

torrefy, torrify (noun); torrefies, torrefied, torrefying; torrifies, torrified, torrifying
1. To dry drugs, ores, etc. by subjection to intense heat: Metallic ores are usually terrified to have an intended result.
2. To dry or to parch: Drugs can be torrefied on a metallic plate until they are reduced to the condition desired.
3. Etymology: from French torréfier, from Latin torrefacere, which came from torrere, "to dry, to parch" + facere, "to make".
triboelectrification (s) (noun), triboelectrifications (pl)
1. The separation of electrical charges through surface friction.
2. A process of charge separation that involves the rubbing together of dissimilar material surfaces; such as, blowing dust which may charge fences and other metallic objects to such an extent that slight shocks are felt when touched.

The triboelectric series is a classification scheme for the ordering of the tendency for positive charge acquisition in rubbing. The detailed physical mechanism in triboelectrification is a long unsolved problem.

tumefaction (s) (noun), tumefactions (pl)
1. The acts or processes of puffing or swelling.
2. The organic process whereby tissues become swollen by the accumulation of fluid within them.