fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
To give new life, energy, or spirit to something or somebody.
An external application of a medication or any substance which causes redness as it irritates the skin: "As a result of applying a rubefacient, Athena increased the blood supply to her face which made her face become much redder than normal."
1. A giving up of something valuable or important for someone or something else considered to be of more value or importance: There is at least one man who has been making many personal sacrifices to provide help for the city's homeless people.
2. A loss incurred by giving away or selling something below its value: The food store made many sacrifices in the prices of its products so more people could survive the aftermath of the hurricanes.
3. An offering to honor or to appease a god or gods; especially, of a ritually slaughtered animal or person: Descriptions of human sacrifices by some of the ancient civilizations in Central and South America reveal how extensive such slaughters took place.
4. In chess, an act or instance of allowing or forcing an opponent to take one of the pieces or pawns so the player can gain an advantageous position: As a clever player, Hans would often set up a sacrifice so his opponent would ultimately lose the game.
5. Etymology: from Old French sacrifise; from Latin sacrificium, from sacrificus, "performing priestly functions or sacrifices"; from sacra, "sacred rites"; from sacer, "sacred" + root of facere, "to do, to perform"; in other words, sacrifice means "to make holy".
2. A loss incurred by giving away or selling something below its value: The food store made many sacrifices in the prices of its products so more people could survive the aftermath of the hurricanes.
3. An offering to honor or to appease a god or gods; especially, of a ritually slaughtered animal or person: Descriptions of human sacrifices by some of the ancient civilizations in Central and South America reveal how extensive such slaughters took place.
4. In chess, an act or instance of allowing or forcing an opponent to take one of the pieces or pawns so the player can gain an advantageous position: As a clever player, Hans would often set up a sacrifice so his opponent would ultimately lose the game.
5. Etymology: from Old French sacrifise; from Latin sacrificium, from sacrificus, "performing priestly functions or sacrifices"; from sacra, "sacred rites"; from sacer, "sacred" + root of facere, "to do, to perform"; in other words, sacrifice means "to make holy".

Certain sacrifices are offerings to honor or to appease a god or gods; especially, of a ritually slaughtered animal or human being as practiced in certain cultures in the past.
sacrificial (adjective), more sacrificial, most sacrificial
1. A descriptive term for an act of killing an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity: Some ancient rituals required a sacrificial animal be brought to the altar just as the moon was to appear over the horizon.
2. Used in or connected with an act of giving up something one values for the sake of something that is considered to be of greater importance: Madeline Jason made a sacrificial commitment to give her entire estate to a university in memory of her son who had attended there and who had died in a hiking accident.
2. Used in or connected with an act of giving up something one values for the sake of something that is considered to be of greater importance: Madeline Jason made a sacrificial commitment to give her entire estate to a university in memory of her son who had attended there and who had died in a hiking accident.
sacrificially (adverb), more sacrificially, most sacrificially
Relating to, descriptive of, or concerned with a tremendous loss: The untimely death of Gertrude's son on the last day of his assigned duty on the battlefield was felt as a sacrificially disastrous shock to everyone who knew him.
A reference to the act or the nature of a loss incurred or suffered without returning: Henry's sister could not bear the sacrificialness of his life when he marched off to war.
1. To sanctify or to render legitimate or binding; such as, to sanctify a vow.
2. To entitle to reverence or respect.
1. In theology, the action of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying or making holy the believer, by the implanting within him of the Christian graces and the destruction of sinful affections.
2. The action of consecrating or setting apart as holy or for a sacred use or purpose; hallowing (rendering holy by means of religious rites).
2. The action of consecrating or setting apart as holy or for a sacred use or purpose; hallowing (rendering holy by means of religious rites).
sanctified (adjective)
1. Reference to a person who is made holy, endowed with saintly character; specifically, made holy by the divine grace of the Holy Spirit.
2. Affecting holiness; sanctimonious.
3. Of things, holy or consecrated; rendered spiritually profitable.
4. Of ground, buildings, etc. that are consecrated or hallowed; that is, setting apart for sacred purposes; consecrating; devoting to religious exercises.
2. Affecting holiness; sanctimonious.
3. Of things, holy or consecrated; rendered spiritually profitable.
4. Of ground, buildings, etc. that are consecrated or hallowed; that is, setting apart for sacred purposes; consecrating; devoting to religious exercises.
In theology, someone who sanctifies or makes holy; specifically, the Holy Spirit.
sanctify (verb), sanctifies; sanctified; sanctifying
1. To set apart religiously for an office or function; to consecrate (a king, etc.).
2. To honor as holy; to ascribe holiness to.
3. To manifest (God, his might, etc.) as holy.
4. To consecrate (a thing); to set apart as holy or sacred.
5. To keep (a day, etc.) holy; to keep or to observe as holy.
6. To make (a person) holy, to purify or free from sin; to cause to undergo sanctification.
7. Chiefly in the Old Testament, to free from ceremonial impurity.
8. To render holy, impart sanctity to (a thing, quality, action or condition); to render legitimate or binding by a religious sanction.
2. To honor as holy; to ascribe holiness to.
3. To manifest (God, his might, etc.) as holy.
4. To consecrate (a thing); to set apart as holy or sacred.
5. To keep (a day, etc.) holy; to keep or to observe as holy.
6. To make (a person) holy, to purify or free from sin; to cause to undergo sanctification.
7. Chiefly in the Old Testament, to free from ceremonial impurity.
8. To render holy, impart sanctity to (a thing, quality, action or condition); to render legitimate or binding by a religious sanction.
Sapientia aedificavit sibi Domum.
A Latin motto: "Wisdom has built a Home for itself."
Motto of Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Sapientia Domum aedificavit.
A Latin motto: "Knowledge has built a Home."
Motto of Crosier Seminary Junior College, Onamia, Minnesota, USA.
1. Having the power to produce the sensation of taste; producing taste, flavor, or relish.
2. A quality perceptible to the sense of taste; flavor.
2. A quality perceptible to the sense of taste; flavor.
1. The feeling of pleasure that a person has when a need or desire is fulfilled or achieved.
2. The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, a need, or an appetite.
3. Happiness with the way that something has been arranged or done; including, the fulfillment of a need, a claim, or a desire.
2. The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, a need, or an appetite.
3. Happiness with the way that something has been arranged or done; including, the fulfillment of a need, a claim, or a desire.