fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
To have some advantage; to gain or to benefit financially or otherwise.
Literally, to move forward, to advance.
profitable (adjective), more profitable, most profitable
1. Able to yield advantageous or lucrative earnings: That year the investments in the company were worthwhile and very profitable.
2. Susceptible to be of some use, benefit, or advantage to a person: The staff meeting at the end of the school day proved to be profitable because many of the questions the teachers had were answered satisfactorily.
2. Susceptible to be of some use, benefit, or advantage to a person: The staff meeting at the end of the school day proved to be profitable because many of the questions the teachers had were answered satisfactorily.
The quality of affording gain or benefit or profit.
profitably (adverb), more profitably, most profitably
Concerning how an undertaking is managed in a productive way; productively; fruitfully: The small firm operated profitably in the town by selling their goods locally as well as abroad.
prolific (adjective), more prolific, most prolific
1. A reference to a person or an animal that produces offspring abundantly, or a plant that provides a plentiful amount of fruit or young plants: Jerry's prolific rabbits needed bigger cages because there were too many of them for the space that was available before.
2. Relating to a person who produces works in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive: Jennifer was such a prolific writer that she had many novels printed for her readers.
3. Characterized by abundant production: This has been a prolific year of killings by explosives and other destructive means in so many countries.
4. Etymology: from Latin proles, "offspring" + facere, "to make".

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2. Relating to a person who produces works in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive: Jennifer was such a prolific writer that she had many novels printed for her readers.
3. Characterized by abundant production: This has been a prolific year of killings by explosives and other destructive means in so many countries.
4. Etymology: from Latin proles, "offspring" + facere, "to make".

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1.The abundant production and sustainment of growth; fertile: Oleander bushes develop the best in warm or hot weather and need plenty of water to produce a prolificacy in perpetual flowering and luxuriant foliage.
2.The output of a large number of literary or artistic works: John Grisham is known for his prolificacy in writing novels, legal and crime thrillers which are printed in 42 languages and are read by people all over the world.
2.The output of a large number of literary or artistic works: John Grisham is known for his prolificacy in writing novels, legal and crime thrillers which are printed in 42 languages and are read by people all over the world.
prolifical (adjective), more prolifical, most prolifical
Referring to the production of offspring or fruit in abundance; fruitful; profuse: The land was so fertile and the summer so wonderful that Tim and Joan had a prolifical amount of peaches that year.
prolifically (adverb), more prolifically, most prolifically
1. Referring to how the production of offspring, young, fruit, etc. occurs in an abundant manner; highly fruitfully: We always enjoy how prolifically our apple tree gives us fruit."
2. A reference to how the production of something takes place in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productively: Tammy was writing prolifically every year.
3. Characterizing how vegetables, plants, etc. yield abundantly: Our garden gave us plenty to eat that year because it prolifically produced great crops.
2. A reference to how the production of something takes place in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productively: Tammy was writing prolifically every year.
3. Characterizing how vegetables, plants, etc. yield abundantly: Our garden gave us plenty to eat that year because it prolifically produced great crops.
1. The production of young or offspring: Jane's cat was very good at prolification because she had kittens about 3 or 4 times as year!.
2. Reproduction by the growth of a plant, or part of a plant, directly from an older one: Prolification is a common phenomenon in strawberry plants, pineapple plants, and roses.
2. Reproduction by the growth of a plant, or part of a plant, directly from an older one: Prolification is a common phenomenon in strawberry plants, pineapple plants, and roses.
The quality or state of being fertile; fruitfulness; richness: The prolificness of animals increases with the domestic breeding of cows, chickens, pigs, etc. on ranches and farms.
1. The removal of pollutants from something: The city's filtration plant is able to provide purification for large quantities of water every day.
2. The making of someone to be ceremonially clean: The priest invited his parishioners to participate in a ritual bath for the purification of their souls.
2. The making of someone to be ceremonially clean: The priest invited his parishioners to participate in a ritual bath for the purification of their souls.
purify (verb), purifies; purified; purifying
1. To cleanse, refine, decontaminate: There are botanists who say trees help to purify the air.
2. To redeem or to sanctify. Priests usually purify themselves before religious ceremonies.
2. To redeem or to sanctify. Priests usually purify themselves before religious ceremonies.
1. Decomposition or rotting, the breakdown of organic matter usually by bacterial action, resulting in the formation of other substances of less complex constitution with the evolution of ammonia or its derivatives and hydrogen sulfide; characterized usually by the presence of toxic or malodorous products; decay; decomposition.
2. The decomposition of organic matter; especially, the typically anaerobic splitting of protein by bacteria and fungi with the formation of foul-smelling and poisonous products; such as the ptomaines, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide.
2. The decomposition of organic matter; especially, the typically anaerobic splitting of protein by bacteria and fungi with the formation of foul-smelling and poisonous products; such as the ptomaines, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide.