-esce, -escent, -escence
(Latin: beginning to be, becoming; to be somewhat; a suffix that forms nouns and adjectives)
luminesce (verb), luminesces; luminesced; luminescing
To be bright by reflecting or casting light by reflecting, or to shine: The headlights from Sara's car were luminescing the signs that paralleled the roadway, flashing on them and producing a gleam.
1. Low-temperature emission of lambency produced especially by physiological processes (as in the firefly), by chemical action, by friction, or by electrical action: As children, Jim and Kate were mystified by the little luminescences they saw moving around in the garden when it was dark; then their parents explained that the luminescence was caused by fireflies.
2. Any radiation of glimmer from a body produced by some means other than heat: Carol noticed that when she rubbed the fur of her cat on a dry evening, she could hear a crackle and see some luminescence in the form of sparks.
3. Any emission of effulgence at temperatures below that required for incandescence: Sharon is satisfied with the luminescence in her kitchen that is provided by her fluorescent light bulbs.
2. Any radiation of glimmer from a body produced by some means other than heat: Carol noticed that when she rubbed the fur of her cat on a dry evening, she could hear a crackle and see some luminescence in the form of sparks.
3. Any emission of effulgence at temperatures below that required for incandescence: Sharon is satisfied with the luminescence in her kitchen that is provided by her fluorescent light bulbs.
luminescent (adjective), more luminescent, most luminescent
Relating to the brilliance that is emitted from a body produced by some means other than by heat: The luminescent luster from the florescent tubes in Fay's kitchen lamps illuminates every corner of the kitchen so she can work more easily.
luminescently (adverb), more luminescently, most luminescently
A descriptive term for any radiation of lucidity from a body produced by some means other than heat: The florescent light luminescently glowed when an electric impulse was passed through the gas in the florescent tubes.
Softening or tending to soften.
1. A coming into being; birth: The nascence of the new school was celebrated with teachers, administration, and students with their parents.
2. The event of being born: Jane only knew from her parents what her own nascence was like!
2. The event of being born: Jane only knew from her parents what her own nascence was like!
nascent (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Regarding the beginning process of emerging, being born, coming into existence, or starting to develop: Roy started to work as a computer programmer in his nascent profession right after he had graduated from the university's technical department.

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Sarina is now starting her nascent career as a singer.
2. Etymology: from Latin nasci, "to be born".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
The process of forgetting: At Dr. Whites clinic, the elderly Mr. Atherton was diagnosed with the beginning stage of oblivescence which would progress over the years.
obsolesce (ahb" suh LES) (verb), obsolesces; obsolesced; obsolescing
1. To become old; to fall into disuse: This word has not obsolesced, yet, but it is rarely used these days.
2. That which is or is becoming outmoded: According to some sources, people are obsolescing the use of many words these days.
2. That which is or is becoming outmoded: According to some sources, people are obsolescing the use of many words these days.
1. The process of falling into disuse or becoming out of date: Obsolescence frequently takes place because a replacement has become available which is more advantages compared to the disadvantages incurred by using or repairing the original system.
2. A loss in the utility or value of property that results over time from intrinsic limitations; such as, outmoded facilities or external circumstances: Obsolescence is usually distinguished from depreciation and physical deterioration.
4. Synonyms of obsolescence: on the way out, passing out of use, disappearing, fading, waning, on the wane, dying.
2. A loss in the utility or value of property that results over time from intrinsic limitations; such as, outmoded facilities or external circumstances: Obsolescence is usually distinguished from depreciation and physical deterioration.
Economic obsolescence results from external factors; such as, location that renders a property of no longer being competitive, or is unattractive to purchasers or investors, or of decreasing usefulness.
Functional obsolescence derives from a lack of adequate or appropriate equipment, space, or design.
3. In medicine, the termination or the beginning of the end of any physiological process.4. Synonyms of obsolescence: on the way out, passing out of use, disappearing, fading, waning, on the wane, dying.
obsolescent (adjective), more obsolescent, mostobsolescent
1. Relating to passing out of use, as a word: Henry was using an obsolescent term to describe what had happened before he went to the doctor.
2. Descriptive of being outdated or outmoded, as machinery or weapons.
3. In biology, gradually disappearing; imperfectly or only slightly evolving: An obsolescent development of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.
2. Descriptive of being outdated or outmoded, as machinery or weapons.
3. In biology, gradually disappearing; imperfectly or only slightly evolving: An obsolescent development of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.
obsolescently (adverb), more obsolescently, most obsolescently
Describing the process of passing out of service or usefulness.
Brilliant display of flashing lights resulting from oxidation: The oxyluminescence phenomenon takes place when certain minerals that are slowly heated to temperatures below their level of incandescence emit coruscation (sudden flashes or sparks) when in contact with oxygen or air.