epi-, ep-
(Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among)
1. Organisms living on the sand.
2. Benthic microalgal communities are described as epipelic when motile, epipsammic when attached to sand grains.
2. Benthic microalgal communities are described as epipelic when motile, epipsammic when attached to sand grains.
Microscopic flora and fauna found on the surface of and/or attached to sand grains.
1. A cartilage or bone in front of the pubis in some amphibians and other animals.
2. Either of a pair of bones in front of the pubis of marsupials.
2. Either of a pair of bones in front of the pubis of marsupials.
1. Relating to, or involving church government by bishops.
2. Involving or recognizing a church government by bishops.
3. Etymology: from Middle French épiscopal (14th century), from Late Latin episcopalis, from Latin episcopus, "an overseer"; from Gk. episkopos "watcher, overseer"; from epi-, "over" + skopos, "watcher"; and from skeptesthai, "to look at".
2. Involving or recognizing a church government by bishops.
3. Etymology: from Middle French épiscopal (14th century), from Late Latin episcopalis, from Latin episcopus, "an overseer"; from Gk. episkopos "watcher, overseer"; from epi-, "over" + skopos, "watcher"; and from skeptesthai, "to look at".
episcopicide, episcopacide
The crime of murdering a bishop.
The worship of bishops.
A “guardian lizard”. From Greek, episcopos, “guardian, protector”.
An operation in which the vulva and the vagina are narrowed to support a prolapsed uterus.
A vulvar (external part of a female genitalia) hematoma (abnormal localized collection of blood in which the blood is usually clotted or partially clotted) secondary to an episiotomy (incision from the vagina towards the rectum utilized to facilitate vaginal delivery of a baby).
Plastic repair of the vulva and perineum.
Repair of an incised, or a ruptured, perineum and lacerated vulva; or repair of a surgical incision of the vulva and perineum.
Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: hyper-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.