(Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion)
erubescent (adjective), more erubescent, most erubescent
Descriptive of something that is reddening or blushing: "After being in the sun for hours, Hans had the most erubescent face that his wife had ever seen."
evanescent (adjective), more evanescent, most evanescent
1. Pertaining to vanishing, tending to vanish or likely to vanish; like vapor.
2. Descriptive of fading away; fleeting.
3. Referring to a tendency of becoming unseen or lacking understanding.

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2. Descriptive of fading away; fleeting.
3. Referring to a tendency of becoming unseen or lacking understanding.

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1. An occurrence, especially one that is particularly significant, interesting, exciting, or unusual: When the town finally had its 800th anniversary of existence , everybody wanted to take part in preparing the festivities for the memorable event.
Events can also be significant milestones, consequences, or happenings in the present, past, or the future.
2. A thing that happens or might happen at a given place at a given time: In the event that Mrs. Smith is late, a substitute teacher will take her place in the classroom.
3. An organized occasion: An event can be a social function or sports competition.
4. Any of the races or other competitions that form part of a larger sports occasion: One of the biggest events for people all over the world are the Olympic Games.
1. Easy, or clear, to see or to understand.
2. Clear to one's sight or mind; obvious: "The problems with this company have been evident for quite some time."
3. Etymology: from Latin evidentem, evidens, "perceptible, clear, obvious"; from ex-, "fully, out of" + videntem, videns, present participle of videre, "to see".
2. Clear to one's sight or mind; obvious: "The problems with this company have been evident for quite some time."
3. Etymology: from Latin evidentem, evidens, "perceptible, clear, obvious"; from ex-, "fully, out of" + videntem, videns, present participle of videre, "to see".
1. Something which is suitable or advantageous for a situation: Admittedly, the neon sign is disturbing, but it's a necessary expedient for attracting more people to Kermit's store.
2. A means to an end: Mack used a hidden key as a useful expedient to get into his house because he forgot to take his regular set of keys with him when he went shopping.
3. An objective that is devised or employed as a procedure to achieve a desire; not necessarily an honest one: The governing body was accused of choosing short-term expedients instead of practical economic policies.

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2. A means to an end: Mack used a hidden key as a useful expedient to get into his house because he forgot to take his regular set of keys with him when he went shopping.
3. An objective that is devised or employed as a procedure to achieve a desire; not necessarily an honest one: The governing body was accused of choosing short-term expedients instead of practical economic policies.
The criminal resorted to shady expedients in order to rob banks.
4. Etymology: from Latin, "to free (a person’s) feet from fetters"; an antonym of "impede"; hence, "to free from difficulties, to help forward, to get (a work) completed, to dispatch, to send off", etc.
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1. The ability to speak a language effortlessly and correctly.
2. Flowing in a smooth and graceful way; such as, a yacht with long, fluent curves.
3. Flowing or capable of flowing; such as, being fluid.
4. Etymology: from 1589, which came from Latin fluentem, fluens, present participle of fluere, "to flow".
2. Flowing in a smooth and graceful way; such as, a yacht with long, fluent curves.
3. Flowing or capable of flowing; such as, being fluid.
4. Etymology: from 1589, which came from Latin fluentem, fluens, present participle of fluere, "to flow".
fulgent (adjective), more fulgent, most fulgent
Characterized by shining brightly; dazzling; gleaming brilliantly, or resplendent: There seem to be more fulgent patterns of sunlight today than yesterday.

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There was a tower with fulgent searchlights shining on the surface of the ocean.

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incipient (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to something is beginning to develop: Lucy was hoping that the incipient cold she thought she was getting would disappear soon because she was taking preventive medicine when it started to take place.
2. Concerning a person growing into a specified position: Jack’s experience with young children in his past was of great value as an incipient teacher in the lower grades of elementary school.

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2. Concerning a person growing into a specified position: Jack’s experience with young children in his past was of great value as an incipient teacher in the lower grades of elementary school.

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Not corresponding in structure or content or not in agreement with other people.
1. A stream flowing into a lake or larger river; an inflow, especially a tributary.
2. In ecology, a non-dominant organism in a community that exerts an important modifying effect or a plant or animal that has an important effect on the biotic balance in a community.
2. In ecology, a non-dominant organism in a community that exerts an important modifying effect or a plant or animal that has an important effect on the biotic balance in a community.
An erroneous variant of inhalant or a mistaken form of inhalant.
inopulent (adjective)
Not affluent, wealthy, nor rich.