
(Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion)

abducent (adjective), more abducent, most abducent
A reference to drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent body part: In anatomy, the abducent muscle; such as, the "rectus laterals muscles" of the eyes, move the eyeballs outwardly.

Abducent muscles refer to the movements of one part of the body away from another section.

The abducent nerve originates in the pons, or part of the brain stem, and emerges from the brain immediately below it, then, from this point, it extends through the skull, eventually entering the back of the eye socket through a space between the skull bones.

abhorrent (adjective); more abhorrent, most abhorrent
1. Referring to something that arouses strong feelings of repugnance or disapproval about people, situations, or things: Even thinking about failing was an abhorrent idea for Scott to consider.

Ronald's sister had an abhorrent dislike of insects and other "creepy things" which helped to determine the direction of her scientific studies.

2. Pertaining to an occurrence that is incompatible with or conflicting with something: The abhorrent violence at the start of the film was so disgusting and loathsome that the couple got up and walked out.
3. Abominable, repugnant, or despicable: The man committed an abhorrent crime when he killed his wife.
4. Unacceptable or regarding a strong dislike: The thought of not being successful with his performance at the tennis match was abhorrent to the player.

The spelling of abhorrent shows that it is related to "horror". It means "feeling horror", when it is used with "of": Niki was so abhorrent of snakes that she would almost faint if she simply saw one.

When abhorrent is used with "to", it is expressed as: Crystal's casual disregard for the truth was abhorrent to her father's moral values.

When abhorrent means "creating horror, detestable", then it is written as: The sight of the abhorrent bleeding and injuries particularly upset Latricia when she saw those who were so terribly hurt in the car accident.

Causing dislike and hate.
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Arousing strong aversion, disgusting.
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abluent (s) (noun), abluents (pl)
A cleansing agent; a detergent: Vanessa uses vinegar as an abluent when she removes the impurities in the sink in the bathroom.

There are usually several different abluents available in supermarkets that are used to clean all kinds of things in one's home.

absorbefacient (s) (noun), absorbefacients (pl)
1. That which causes or takes something in by sucking it up and incorporating it into something: The new sponge is a great absorbefacient to use when cleaning the windows.
2. An agent that causes the soaking up or the taking in of liquids by solids: Adding the right kind of absorbefacient to the spill on the garage floor made it easier to clean up the mess.
absorbifacient (adjective)
A reference to having the power, capacity, or tendency to soak up something: "There are absorbifacient elements that can take in liquids, energy, etc."
abstinent (s) (noun), abstinents (pl)
A person who is self-disciplined and does not indulge in one's appetite for food or drink: As an abstinent, Greg, the coach, was described as a role model for the players on the football team.
acaulescent (adjective), more acaulescent, most acaulescent
With no stem or with a stem that is very short: Olivia's favorite acaulescent plant is a popular thick-leaved houseplant that is native to South Africa and Asia which is called a "jade plant" because it has short, stemless leaves.
accent, ascent, assent
accent (AK sent") (noun)
1. A stress on a syllable to aid in the pronunciation of words; a stress, an emphasis: The word "woman" has its accent on the first syllable.
2. Pronunciation, enunciation, or modulation of speech: The famous movie actor speaks with a French accent.
3. A hint, a touch, a detail: The room was painted white with just a slightly green accent.
ascent (uh SENT) (noun)
1. A rising or climbing; an upward movement: As a construction worker, Elmer, made a careful ascent up to the roof of the building.

The ascent to the top of the mountain was difficult for Jared, Adrian, and Javier.

2. Incline, slope: The road made a sharp ascent to the top of the hill.
3. Advancement, progress: Marie's parents were amazed about her ascent from being a secretary to becoming president of the company in just five years.
assent (uh SENT) (verb)
To comply or to agree to something; to consent: The workers will certainly assent to an increase in wages.

Romeo was willing to assent to Juliet's request that he come again.

With the assent of the board of directors, the new board room was painted green with an accent or two of white highlighting the ascent of the ceiling to the skylight in the center.

accident (s) (noun), accidents (pl)
1. An undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: Jean had an accident when she fell down the stairs and broke her left leg..

A three-car accident tied up the highway traffic for five hours.

2. In law, a situation resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought: The lawyer explained that the accident involving her client was not his fault and he should not be charged by the police.
3. Any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or reason: Tamika met her best friend purely by accident when she was shopping at the Farmers' Market.
4. By chance; fortune; luck: Sam arrived just in time for a meeting by accident because he didn't know when it was supposed to start.
5. A fortuitous circumstance, quality, or characteristic: It was a fortuitous accident that the house that Jake bought was on the north side of the street so his children could go to the school just across the park.
6. Etymology: "an occurrence, an incident, or an event"; from Old French accident (12th century), from Latin accidentem, accidens, accidere, "to happen, to fall out, to fall upon"; from ad-, "to" + cadere, "to fall".
accumbent (adjective), more accumbent, most accumbent
1. Lying down; reclining: in a position of comfort or rest: Audi was in an accumbent position as she was lying on the couch in the sunshine.

Fred's cat was having a more accumbent rest on the rug in front of the fireplace.

2. In botany, lying or leaning against something; such as, cotyledons or embryonic leaves in seed-bearing plants: The botanist was studying the growth patterns of accumbent seedlings of various cotyledons.
achievement (s) (noun), achievements (pl)
1. Something accomplished; especially, by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.
2. The act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment.
3. In heraldry, the full display of the armorial bearings (bearing a coat or coats of arms) of an individual or corporation.
acidulent (adjective), more acidulent, most acidulent
1. Regarding a food having an acid quality; sour; acidulous: Lemons and limes are noted to be acidulent and have a sharp biting taste.
2. Concerning a person who is slightly sour; peevish: On hearing the news about her brother's engagement, June's face took on an anxious and acidulent expression.
acquiescent (adjective), more acquiescent, most acquiescent
1. Willing to accept or to agree to doing something without an objection, a protest, or any resistance: Acquiescent people are sometimes thought of as quiet and mousy because they tend to do whatever they are asked to do without any protest.
2. Etymology: from Latin acquiescere, "to remain at rest" or "to become quiet".
Submissive and compliant.
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acquirement (s) (noun), acquirements (pl)
An accomplishment, ability, or power that has been developed through training: Virtuosity on the piano for Rene was his acquirement after many years of daily practicing.
adducent (adjective), more adducent, most adducent
A reference to moving or bringing muscles toward a given point or common center.