-ence, -ency
(Latin: a suffix that forms nouns; action, process, state, quality, or condition of)
1. The action or fact of cleaving or adhering together.
2. A logical connection or relation; congruity, consistency: The speaker used his ability to diplomatically utilize coherence as he presented the objectives of the project to the committee.
3. Etymology: from Latin cohaerent-; from the verb cohaerere, "to stick together"; from co-, "together" + haerere "to stay".
2. A logical connection or relation; congruity, consistency: The speaker used his ability to diplomatically utilize coherence as he presented the objectives of the project to the committee.
3. Etymology: from Latin cohaerent-; from the verb cohaerere, "to stick together"; from co-, "together" + haerere "to stay".
1. The quality of relating to reasonable statements and ideas: The patient's coherencies indicated that she was easy to understand and didn't appear to be seriously injured during the automobile accident.
2. A logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts that form a whole: The coherency of the business styles of the company encouraged more people to invest in it.
2. A logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts that form a whole: The coherency of the business styles of the company encouraged more people to invest in it.
1. The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space: It was a coincidence that Doug was sitting next to Zena at the theater.
2. A sequence of events that, although accidental, seems to have been planned or arranged: The car crash seemed to be the result of several coincidences, such as the rain, slippery roads, and an unlighted section of the roadway.
3. A situation that might have been arranged although it was really a happenstance: When Jim attends Kate's birthday party, he wants it to look like a coincidence, even though he was carefully arranging it with her sons.
2. A sequence of events that, although accidental, seems to have been planned or arranged: The car crash seemed to be the result of several coincidences, such as the rain, slippery roads, and an unlighted section of the roadway.
3. A situation that might have been arranged although it was really a happenstance: When Jim attends Kate's birthday party, he wants it to look like a coincidence, even though he was carefully arranging it with her sons.
It was just by coincidence that the two ladies wore the same dress to the party.
4. A action of two things happening at the same time: Pete tried to create a coincidence in order to meet his girlfriend in the park by walking down one path, while she was walking down the same one but from a different direction.
1. Something that burns; such as, the comburence of a gas is defined as the number of volumes of air required for a perfect combustion, as distinguished from combustible.
2. Etymology: from Latin comburere, "to burn up, to consume".
2. Etymology: from Latin comburere, "to burn up, to consume".
1. The mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing; firm trust, reliance, faith.
2. Feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation.
3. Assurance, boldness, fearlessness, arising from reliance (on oneself, on circumstances, on divine support, etc.).
4. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy.
2. Feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation.
3. Assurance, boldness, fearlessness, arising from reliance (on oneself, on circumstances, on divine support, etc.).
4. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy.
Confidence is the feeling that you have just before you fully understand the situation. Belief in yourself is a fine thing, but you should see to it that you are not too easily convinced; because confidence is that quiet, absolutely assured feeling you have just before you fall flat on your rear end.
1. The quality of flowing, applied to speech or language; smoothness; freedom from harshness; as fluency of numbers.
2. Readiness of utterance; facility of words; volubility; as fluency of speech; a speaker of remarkable fluency: "Students must demonstrate fluency in a foreign language to earn a degree."
2. Readiness of utterance; facility of words; volubility; as fluency of speech; a speaker of remarkable fluency: "Students must demonstrate fluency in a foreign language to earn a degree."
1. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events; especially, one that operates without any direct or apparent effort: There are some people who can have an influence on other people's thinking or actions by means of argument, examples, or force of personality.
2. The power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position: The supervisor of Jim's company has a significant influence on his employees.
3. In astrology, an emanation that is believed to come from the stars and planets that affects human characteristics, personality, and actions: It is said that an ethereal fluid or supernatural influence issuing from the celestial bodies can affect a human's future, traits, etc.
4. Etymology: from about 1374, an astrological term meaning, "streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men"; from Old French influence, "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny"; also "a flow of water", from Middle Latin influentia, "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense); which came from Latin influentem, influens, present participle of influere, "to flow into"; fromin-, "in" + fluere, "to flow".

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2. The power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position: The supervisor of Jim's company has a significant influence on his employees.
3. In astrology, an emanation that is believed to come from the stars and planets that affects human characteristics, personality, and actions: It is said that an ethereal fluid or supernatural influence issuing from the celestial bodies can affect a human's future, traits, etc.
4. Etymology: from about 1374, an astrological term meaning, "streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men"; from Old French influence, "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny"; also "a flow of water", from Middle Latin influentia, "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense); which came from Latin influentem, influens, present participle of influere, "to flow into"; fromin-, "in" + fluere, "to flow".

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1. An offensive disrespectful impudent act or behavior.
2. The trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take excessive liberties.
3. An instance of insolent behavior, treatment, or speech.
4. Contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech.
2. The trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take excessive liberties.
3. An instance of insolent behavior, treatment, or speech.
4. Contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech.
1. The ability to learn facts and skills and apply them; especially, when this ability is highly developed.
2. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge or the faculty of thought and reason.
3. Information about secret plans or activities; especially, those of foreign governments, the armed forces, business enemies, or criminals.
4. Etymology: from Latin intelligent-, formed from intellegere,, “to perceive, to discern”; from inter-, “between” plus legere, “to choose, to read”.
2. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge or the faculty of thought and reason.
3. Information about secret plans or activities; especially, those of foreign governments, the armed forces, business enemies, or criminals.
4. Etymology: from Latin intelligent-, formed from intellegere,, “to perceive, to discern”; from inter-, “between” plus legere, “to choose, to read”.
1. The condition of gleaming with bright and changing colors; iridescent.
2. A lustrous rainbow-like play of color caused by differential refraction of light waves (as from an oil slick, soap bubble, or fish scales) that tends to change as the angle of view changes.
3. A condition of color marked by changing the hue and metallic sheen.
2. A lustrous rainbow-like play of color caused by differential refraction of light waves (as from an oil slick, soap bubble, or fish scales) that tends to change as the angle of view changes.
3. A condition of color marked by changing the hue and metallic sheen.
It is produced by the reflection and refraction of different lengths of light waves on the apparently colored surfaces. The effect is seen in certain birds, fish, and reptiles.
1. An impermanence that suggests the inevitability of ending or dying.
2. The attribute of being brief or fleeting.
2. The attribute of being brief or fleeting.
Showing page 2 out of 2 pages of 26 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.