-ectomy, -ectome, -ectomize

(Greek: a suffix; cut, excise, surgical removal of)

rectosigmoidectomy (s) (noun), rectosigmoidectomies (pl)
The surgical excision of the rectum and sigmoid; proctosigmoidectomy: Dr. Thompson explained to Jim that a rectosigmoidectomy was necessary in order to to remove the infected rectum and sigmoid colon.
A surgical excision of a piece of the retina or the light sensitive layer of the eye.
Referring to plastic surgery for rhinokyphosis (humpback deformity of the nose).
rhytidectomy, rhitidectomy
1. The surgical removal of excess or sagging skin for the purpose of eliminating or mitigating (decreasing) wrinkles; literally, "wrinkle excision".
2. A surgical procedure to reduce the most visible signs of aging. It eliminates excess fat, tightens muscles in the face and neck, and removes sagging skin.
3. Plastic surgery for the removal of wrinkles, done to make an aging face look younger.

The usual procedure is to open skin flaps near the ears in order to undermine the skin of the cheeks and jaws.

This can be done with incisions adjacent to or within the hairline so that the scars are not noticeable. The area of the eyelids and eyebrows is another area commonly worked on.

robotic prostatectomy (ROH baht ik prahs" tuh TEK tuh mee)
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery or robotically-assisted laparoscopic prostectomy.

Laparoscopic refers to abdominal examination with an endoscope or laparoscope which is designed to permit medical personnel to examine a patient's abdominal cavity.

Robotic prostatectomy is one of the newest treatment approaches available for early stage prostate cancer and it offers the appropriate candidate a minimally invasive treatment with less blood loss and a more rapid overall recovery.

A da Vinci Robot replicates the surgeon's hand movements real time in laparoscopic instruments. It cannot be programmed, nor does it make any independent decisions; in other words, it does only what the surgeon's hands indicate during the surgical process.

Although visually similar to standard laparascopic instruments, the robotic instruments have the additional advantage of being articulated or united by joints. This allows the instruments not only to open and close but to fully turn and twist, allowing more natural mimicry of the human hand and wrist.

These instruments are much smaller than the normal hand and many of the jaws of the tools are similar or shorter in length than a person's fingernail. This allows very small and precise incisions to carefully dissect any part of the prostate.

—Based on information discussed at this
UCLA Health System page.
sacrectomy (s) (noun), sacrectomies (pl)
A medical surgery that involves the triangular bone located in the lower spine: Brian's surgeon was explaining that a sacrectomy would be performed to decrease the pain and stiffness that was taking place in the backs of his thighs or from his hips down to his knees.
salpingectomy (s) (noun), salpingectomies (p)
The surgical removal of one or of both fallopian tubes (extend from the uterus to the ovaries and transport eggs and sperm and is where fertilization take place): "Salpingectomy may be performed when the tube has become infected, or as a procedure of contraception, or to treat an ectopic pregnancy (which develops outside the uterus)."
The surgical resecting of a scalenus muscle.
Surgical excision of a portion of the sclera (tough white outer coat of the eyeball) and the iris in the treatment of glaucoma (common eye condition in which the fluid pressure inside the eyes rises because of slowed fluid drainage from the eye).

Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; mutil-; put-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.

-Ectomy Word-Sources of Definitions