albo-, alb-, -albify; albus

(Latin: white; pale)

This unit is directly related to the albumino- unit.

albinal (adjective) (not comparable)
Characterized by albinism: There are some people who have albinal features because of the lack of pigmentation in the skin and hair.
albiness (s) (noun), albinesses (pl)
A female albino: In her book about horses, Virginia read about an albiness, a mare that had very light coloured hair and pink eyes.
albinic (adjective) (not comparable)
Of, pertaining to, or affected with albinism: Jane never saw an albinic bird that lacked melanin pigmentation and was completely white.
albinism (s) (noun), albinisms (pl)
The state or condition of being an albino: In her studies, Natalie learned about albinism which pertained to all organisms that inherited disorders with deficiency or absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes, or eyes only, due to an abnormality in production of melanin.
albinistic (adjective), more albinist, most albinist
Referring to an organism affected with albinism: In botany class, Sharon learned that even plants, or parts of plants, could be albinistic when they lack chlorophyll giving them a pink color.
albino (s) (noun), albinos; albinoes (pl)
1. A human being distinguished by the congenital absence (partial or total) of coloring pigment: Gary's neighbor was an albino because his the skin and eyes were abnormally white, and his eyes were of a pink color,and unable to bear the ordinary light.
2. By extension, any animal lacking pigmentation: Albinos can be white mice, horses, rabbits, cats, and elephants.
3. Sometimes also said of plants; albinism: Only a few plant are albinos, one of which is the Adder's mouth orchid in which no chlorophyll has developed.

The term was originally applied to black Africans who were mottled with white spots (according to Webster's New International Dictionary, 2nd ed., unabridged; G&C Merriam Co., Springfield, MA; 1950).

albinoid (adjective), more albinoid, most albinoid
Resembling an albino; having the appearance of an albino: At the zoo, the children saw an albinoid tiger for the first time, and its fur was completely white!
Of, pertaining to, or affected with albinism; also albinistic.
The passing of pale or white urine of low specific gravity, as in chyluria. Also albiduria.
albite, albitic
A white part of certain granite or various igneous rocks.
Relating to both the white and the gray matter of the brain or spinal cord.
albocracy (s) (noun), albocracies (pl)
A government which is dominated or controlled by white men: In his history class at school, Ted learned that there were many albocracies, especially ones that were led and ruled by Europeans.
A name given to a white cement prepared from magnesia and silica.
Covered with a white, powdery bloom, as certain grapes and plums.
1. Dark coppery red or reddish brown.
2. Etymology: from Old French auborne, from Middle Latin alburnus, "off-white, whitish"; from Latin albus, "white".

It came into English meaning "yellowish-white, flaxen", but shifted in the 16th century to "reddish-brown" under the influence of Middle English brun, "brown", which also changed the spelling.

Another source states that it comes from Old French; influenced in the sense by the similarity of the variant spelling abrun to brun, "brown"; from Medieval Latin alburnus "whitish" and Latin albus, "white".

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albumino-; leuco-.