dorso-, dors-, dorsi-, -dorsal

(Latin: dorsum, back, on the back, near the back, back side; rear, posterial)

dorsiparous (adjective), more dorsiparous, most dorsiparous
dorsispinal (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the back and the vertebral column: Susan felt pains when bending over and her doctor told her that she had dorsispinal problems in the posterior area of her body.
dorsoabdominal (adjective), more dorsoabdominal, most dorsoabdominal
Pertaining to or extending between the back and the abdomen.
dorsoanterior (adjective), more dorsoanterior, most dorsoanterior
dorsocephalad (adjective), more dorsocephalad, most dorsocephalad
Toward the back of the head.
dorsocervical (adjective), more dorsocervical, most dorsocervical
Referring to the back and the neck.
dorsocostal (adjective), more dorsocostal, most
Relating to the back and the ribs.
dorsocuboidal (adjective), more dorsocuboidal, most dorsocuboidal
relating to or located on the back surface of the cuboid bone or a bone on the outer side of the foot, joining the heel bone and the fourth and fifth metatarsals or bones of the feet.
dorsodynia (s) (noun), dorsodynias (pl)
Pain in the upper back; dorsalgia: Lois read about the causes of dorsodynia being either poor posture, spinal stenosis, or obesity, just to name a few.
dorsointercostal (adjective), more dorsointercostal, most dorsointercostal
Relating to or situated in the posterior intercostal or spaces between the ribs.
dorsolateral (adjective), more dorsolateral, most dorsolateral
Relating to both the back and the side of a part of the body.
dorsolaterally (adverb), more dorsolaterally, most dorsolaterally
dorsolmedial (adjective), more dorsolmedial, most dorsolmedial
Referring to the middle line on the back of a person.
dorsolumbar (adjective), more dorsolumbar, most dorsolumbar
A reference to the back and the lumbar or the part of the body between the lowest ribs and the hipbones.
dorsomedian (adjective), more dorsomedian, most dorsomedian
Referring to, situated in, or denoting the median longitudinal line of the back.

Word families with similar applications: "back, backside" word units: lumbo- (loin, lower back); nuch- (nape of the neck); pygo- (rump, rear end, back side).