dom-, domo-, domat-, domato-
(Greek > Latin: house, home; master or lord of the house)
1. Life as it is lived at home; homelife: Jack, Jill, and their children had a fondness or love for their little home and lived in modest and simple domesticity.
2. The concerns or activities of the home and family; household affairs (only pl): On the weekends, the members of the family made a habit of domesticities, like doing the laundry, ironing, cooking, but sometimes they went on short weekend trips.
2. The concerns or activities of the home and family; household affairs (only pl): On the weekends, the members of the family made a habit of domesticities, like doing the laundry, ironing, cooking, but sometimes they went on short weekend trips.
1. The country that someone lives in or has as his or her permanent home: As a professional photographer for his newspaper, Robert travels to different nations to work, but his domicile, or main residence, is in Canada.
2. The house, apartment, or other place where someone lives; a dwelling place: Mr. Smart decided to build his little domicile next to a lovely lake.
3. In law, someone’s true, fixed, and legally recognized place of residence in cases of prolonged absence that require the person to prove a continuing and significant connection with the country: Joe lived and worked as a teacher at a German school overseas, and his domicile was in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was lawfully registered as a civil servant and was paid by the government.
4. A place where a company or other organization is registered, especially for tax reasons: Sharon's firm is thinking of moving its domicile, or premises, from Hungary to Italy in order to increase the sales of its products.

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2. The house, apartment, or other place where someone lives; a dwelling place: Mr. Smart decided to build his little domicile next to a lovely lake.
3. In law, someone’s true, fixed, and legally recognized place of residence in cases of prolonged absence that require the person to prove a continuing and significant connection with the country: Joe lived and worked as a teacher at a German school overseas, and his domicile was in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was lawfully registered as a civil servant and was paid by the government.
4. A place where a company or other organization is registered, especially for tax reasons: Sharon's firm is thinking of moving its domicile, or premises, from Hungary to Italy in order to increase the sales of its products.

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domicile (verb), domiciles; domiciled; domiciling
To live, to take up residence in, or to treat a specific nation as a permanent home: There are many refugees who are domiciling in Germany and many more want to domicile there and in other countries.
Max has been domiciling in a house near Los Angeles for several years.
An individual who lawfully lives in a certain place: Tom is a pilot who flies all around the world, but he is a domiciliary of Los Angeles, California.
domiciliary (adjective), more domiciliary, most domiciliary
Relating to, or providing something for people in their own homes; If requested, some domiciliary medical care could be provided to the elderly Mrs. Smith in her home.
domicole (verb), domicoles; domicoled; domicoling
To live in a tube, a burrow, a den, or some other kind of refuge: Mrs. Smith watched the birds domicoling in their nest outside her bedroom window and viewed them feeding the young ones throughout the day.
The skill of housekeeping; domestic arts: Part of domiculture is home economics, which is a course in school and engages in cooking and sewing, for example.
In astrology, the separation of the heavens into twelve astrological "houses"; a certain method for such a separation: Jane learned in school about domification and decided to get a good telescope in order to view the sky and starts from her home.
domify (verb), domiues; domified; domifying
In astrology, to divide the heavens into twelve equal parts or "houses"; to locate the planets in their respective "houses": In order to produce a horoscope, the sky is domified into six great circles termed circles of position.
1. The condition that exists when one group or individual possesses power over another: His dominance over his wife got worse as the years went by, and after 20 years, their marriage ended in a divorce.
2. The superior development of one body part over another: The dominance of Jill's right handedness in comparison to her left hand was seen in her writing with her right hand and also in catching a ball with her right hand.
3. As a behavior, a situation in which an individual animal has the highest status in a group: The dominance of an animal can be exemplified in terms of access to food, space, or mates, so that others consistently defer or give way to that particular animal because of importance, age, or size.
2. The superior development of one body part over another: The dominance of Jill's right handedness in comparison to her left hand was seen in her writing with her right hand and also in catching a ball with her right hand.
3. As a behavior, a situation in which an individual animal has the highest status in a group: The dominance of an animal can be exemplified in terms of access to food, space, or mates, so that others consistently defer or give way to that particular animal because of importance, age, or size.
dominant (adjective), more dominant, most dominant
1. Regarding the control or command over others: The dominant party in the government has the power and authority in ruling.
2. Concerning something more important, effective, or prominent than others: The dominant churches in Germany are the Catholic and Protestant churches.
3. Relating to a single plant or animal species that is preponderant within a specific community or over a specific period: The presence of wolves in Germany is not quite dominant yet, but they certainly have killed many sheep over the months and might become more dominant if nothing is done to control them.
2. Concerning something more important, effective, or prominent than others: The dominant churches in Germany are the Catholic and Protestant churches.
3. Relating to a single plant or animal species that is preponderant within a specific community or over a specific period: The presence of wolves in Germany is not quite dominant yet, but they certainly have killed many sheep over the months and might become more dominant if nothing is done to control them.
dominate (verb), dominates; dominated; dominating
1. To control and have power or authority over someone or something: The children thought that their mother dominated them too much because she always commanded them to do chores, she checked their homework every day, and she made them eat everything on their plates at meal times.
2. To be the most important aspect or element of something: When the couple was invited to dinner that evening, Mrs. Hill dominated the conversation so much that no one else could say anything!
3. To have a prevailing influence on someone or something: The use of cell phones do dominate the amount of spare time people have during the day and night!
2. To be the most important aspect or element of something: When the couple was invited to dinner that evening, Mrs. Hill dominated the conversation so much that no one else could say anything!
3. To have a prevailing influence on someone or something: The use of cell phones do dominate the amount of spare time people have during the day and night!
1. Control by the way of influence, position, or by superiority: There are many places in the world where male domination prevails, like in Afghanistan.
2. Authority or sovereignty in governement: Many small countries in the world do not have any political domination.
3. The case of something being the most common characteristic or prominent attribute: The domination of books written in English were present at the famous book fair in Frankfurt:
2. Authority or sovereignty in governement: Many small countries in the world do not have any political domination.
3. The case of something being the most common characteristic or prominent attribute: The domination of books written in English were present at the famous book fair in Frankfurt:
1. A female dominator; Nany's next-door neighbor was a dominatrix and extremely overbearing. Her husband left her after a few years of marriage.
2. A woman partner in a sadomasochistic relationship: One female with a whip is a dominatrix, but five of them are dominatrices.
2. A woman partner in a sadomasochistic relationship: One female with a whip is a dominatrix, but five of them are dominatrices.
domineer (verb), domineers; domineered; domineering
To rule tyrannically, or behave in an overbearing way: Mary's uncle domineered and tyranized his family in an arbitrary and overbearing way when he was drunk before his wife and children left him.