-al; -ial, -eal

(Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of)

alluvial soil (s)  (noun), alluvial soils (pl)
Fine-grained fertile earth deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds: Keith and the other farmers near the mouth of the river found that the alluvial soils were much more fertile than the land farther away from the river.

Alluvial soil is rich and fertile earth and can be found in aquatic communities (living in or on water and is a substantial part of the life span and is generally restricted to fresh water or inland waters).

alphabetical (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Regarding the arrangement or the listing in the customary order of the letters of the alphabet: Mrs. Lawson, Jim's teacher, told the children to put all the words in the list into alphabetical order starting with the letter "A".
2. Based on, typical of, or relating to an alphabet: All the words in the dictionary are arranged in qn alphabetical sequence.
ambrosial (adjective), more ambrosial, most ambrosial
1. Pertaining to something fragrant or delicious: The food that was being prepared in the kitchen had a savouy and ambrosial smell and the family waited impatiently for dinner to start!

Certain cheeses that are exceptionally pleasing to taste can be described as ambrosial.
3. Of or worthy of the gods; divine: The wine was termed to be ambrosial and tasted heavenly, and fit for supreme beings!

amburbial (adjective), more amburbial, most amburbial
1. A reference to the circuit, or journey, around a city: Many tourists have been making amburial walks or tours of Rome for centuries.
2. Etymology: from Latin ambi-, "around, both, in two ways"; which is directly related to ambo-, "both" + urbanus, "belonging to the city or town"; from urbs, urbis, "a city".
amential (adjective) (nor comparable)
A reference to, or relating to a mental impairment: Jane's brother was diagnosed as having an amential disorder and went to a special school for mentally handicapped children.
anatomical (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to anatomy or dissection: The twins certainly had many anatomical similarities, like the nose, ears, and eyes.
anconeal (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the elbow: Jack pushed the door open with the pointed anconeal part of his arm.

Susan hurt the anconeal region of her left arm when she fell down on the the icy sidewalk.

anhedral (adjective), more anhedral, most anhedral
In mineralogy, concerning the absence of sharp crystal faces; allotriomorphic: In his class on petrography, Bob learned about anhedral minerals that lacked recognisable crystal surfaces or faces.
animal (AN uh muhl) (s) (noun), animals (pl)
1. An organism of the kingdom Animalia, distinguished from plants by certain characteristics: Animals have the power of locomotion, fixed structure, and limited growth.

An animal is a creature that is distinguished from plants by having independent movements and responsive sense organs.

2. Any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising of multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: Some animals are restricted to being quadrupeds and applied especially to such as those that are used by man, as a horse, a donkey, or a dog.
3. Etymology: from Latin animale, "living being, a being which breathes."

An older definition from the 1755 Dictionary of the English Language

Animals are such beings, which, besides the power of growing, and producing their kind, as plants and vegetables have, are endowed also with sensation and spontaneous motion.

—Dr. Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, 1st ed., 1755
anoperineal (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the anus and the perineum: In his medical book, Jeff read about the anoperineal part of the body as being the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal and the region between the thighs, bounded in the male by the scrotum and anus, and in the female by the vulva and anus
antebrachial, antibrachial (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of the forearm: Tom showed his mother the antebrachial part of his arm where he had hurt himself.
antediluvial (adjective), more antediluvial, most antediluvial
Outdated, referring to a time previous to Noah's flood; antediluvian: In his book, Jim read about the antediluvial age, which was the age before the biblical Flood took place.
antenuptial (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to events before a marriage: Margaret and Michael had an antenuptial agreement as to when and where their wedding would take place.
anteprandial (adjective), more anteprandial, most anteprandial
Regarding the time before a meal; pertaining to something that takes place before dinner: The couple decided to have an anteprandial sherry before sitting down for dinner.
anteromedial (adjective), more anteromedial, most anteromedial
In anatomy, pertaining to a location in front of and toward the middle line; anterointernal: In her book on medicine, Ines learned that anteromedial parts of the body were situated anteriorly and to the medial side.