-al; -ial, -eal
(Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of)
The corrective surgery performed an abmortal relocation of the damaged nerves on Joe's foot. Joe was a long distance runner.
2. Unusual or unexpected, especially in a way that causes alarm or anxiety: The abnormal extremes in weather conditions are causing officials to declare mandatory evacuations which is resulting in a great deal of stress for residents in certain areas of the world.
3. Pertaining to something much greater than expected or usual: Abnormal profits might be blamed for the financial crisis that exists in the present time.
4. Regarding a departure from what is typical or what is usually expected, for example in intelligence and physical development: The parents were very distressed when they found out that their daughter was considered to be intellectually abnormal in school.
The abnormal circumstances surrounding Gertrude's decision to travel caused a great deal of concern for her parents.
The neighbor's cat has an abnormal fear of birds.
5. Etymology: This word was once spelled anormal and it came from the Greek anomalos, meaning irregular. Later the b was added by analogy with the Latin word for irregular, abnormis from Latin ab-, "from" + norma, "norm"; and so, "away from the norm".Abnormal can mean either "below normal" or "above normal"; so, either better or worse than normal: Einstein had an abnormal IQ while an ignorant person also has an abnormal IQ. On the other hand, "subnormal" always means below or worse than normal.
The Indians are the aboriginal people of America.
Some of the aboriginal people of Canada are known as Inuit, "the people".
Mike's sister was enrolled in the Aboriginal Studies program at the local university.
Tom, the veterinarian, agreed with the farmer that an aborticidal operation on the sow would be the only way to save her life.
2. Induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent survival: The doctor had to induce an abortion because the health and safety of the mother was at risk.
3. Anything that fails to develop, progress, or mature, such as a design, project, or a badly developed plan, etc.: The abortion of the plans to build the new civic center was regretted by just about everyone in the community.
The attempt to redesign the airplane was an abortion or failure.
4. An early or untimely abandonment of an endeavor : The inclement weather helped Norman to determine that the abortion of their hiking plans was the only safe thing to do.5. Etymology: ab-, "from, away from" + oriri, "to come into being, to rise, to be born".
Each absorbable surgical suture is assimilated into the skin and therefore it does not need to be removed.
2. Incapable of being measured or even understood; incomprehensible, inscrutable: Kristy felt like an abysmal failure because she couldn't remember how to spell the key word in the spelling contest.
3. Etymology: from the year 1656, formed in English from obsolete abysm, "bottomless gulf, greatest depths"; from Old French abisme, from Vulgar Latin abyssimus.

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2. In oceanography, of or relating to the deepest regions of the sea and to the organisms inhabiting that environment at depths between 4,000 and 6,000 meters (13,123 feet and 19,685 feet): The abyssal fishes appeared to be blind because there was no light where they lived.
2. Referring to the school or philosophy of Plato: Some of the academical theories of Plato contrast the abstract things, or entities, with objects in the material world.