-al; -ial, -eal
(Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of)
2. A relative descended from the same ancestor as another person but through a different set of parents, grandparents, and other earlier relatives: The inheritance went to Marilyn, the only survivor of the family who was an old lady. The collaterals were all very distant relatives and not directly akin to each other.
3. Etymology: from medieval Latin collateralis, literally "side by side with", from Latin lateralis, "on the side".

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2. A reference to a college or college students: The college was noted for the collegial relationship and interacted between the staff and administration.
2. Characteristic of, or proper to, ordinary conversation: When talking to his peers, Jeff used colloquial terms when speaking English, as distinguished from formal or elevated language.
Colin, the geologist, was fascinated by the colluvial accumulation of rock fragments, silt, sand, and gravel that was deposited at the bottoms of the steep sides of the hills.
Some descending surfaces are formed by the accumulation of small pieces of colluvial rock fragments that have been transported down the sides of hills or mountains by flowing water or snow slides.
Colluvial material typically gathers in the dry valleys of chalk-lands and also at the foot of escarpments or valley sides.
During the very strong wind storm, a colossal oak tree fell over during the night and destroyed a large section of a big office building.
2. Pertaining to something beyond belief or understanding: Those talk-show hosts obviously have colossal egos which they often present when they start their rantings and ravings.

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2. Referring to television and radio broadcasts which are paid for by advertisements and not by the government: The commercial TV programs were interspersed with ads offering clothing, detergents, cars, food, etc.
3. Concerning a conveyance which transports passengers who have paid, or goods which have been paid for: Trains, busses, and airplanes are all examples of commercial vehicles for the use of everybody.
4. Regarding something to be offered in shops without placing value on its originality or quality: The new bookstore was interested in the commercial aspect of selling books and so they had many popular and easy-to-read books on sale.
2. Referring to a person, or to a condition, that is compatible in tastes, interests, attitudes, or backgrounds: Shirley and Monroe had a carefree trip with their congenial travel companions.
3. Descriptive of an outgoing and pleasant character: Mark's mother has a congenial nature that makes her a well-loved person in the community.

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It's like when a supervisor catches someone daydreaming at work and says, "You need to bring your mental sharpness, not just your corporeal presence to the job."