dis-, di-, dif-
(Latin: separation, apart, asunder; removal, away, from; negation, deprivation, undoing, reversal, utterly, completely; in different directions)
The meaning of dis- varies with different words; dif-, assimilated form of dis- before f; di-, form of dis- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v.
A person who refuses to acknowledge, who disclaims knowledge of, responsibility for, or any association with someone or something: The disavower, or denier, turned out to be little Tim, who said he had nothing to do with breaking the dish in the kitchen!
Excision, in part or whole, of an intervertebral disk (fibro-cartilaginous disc that lies between the vertebral bodies in the spine).
Most commonly a discectomy is done when a disc is herniated (slipped disc) and is causing symptoms of pain and nerve irritation or injury.
Sometimes, a discectomy is done to stop the motion across a portion of the spine and create a solid structure (spinal fusion).
Discere si cupias intra: salvere iubemus.
If you wish to learn, enter: we welcome you.
Motto inscribed on the east facade of Brookings Hall; Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
discern (verb), discerns; discerned; discerning
1. To see something that is not very clear or obvious.
2. To understand something that is not immediately obvious.
3. To be able to tell the difference between two or more things.
4. To distinguish something apart from its surroundings or background.
2. To understand something that is not immediately obvious.
3. To be able to tell the difference between two or more things.
4. To distinguish something apart from its surroundings or background.
1. Anyone who sees, discovers, or distinguishes; such as, an observer.
2. Someone who knows and judges or who has the power of distinguishing: "He was a great observer and discerner of men's natures and humors."
3. That which distinguishes or causes understanding.
2. Someone who knows and judges or who has the power of distinguishing: "He was a great observer and discerner of men's natures and humors."
3. That which distinguishes or causes understanding.
discernible, discernable (adjective); more discernible, more discernable; most discernible, most discernable
Able to be seen, recognized, or understood; perceptible: Tom's handwriting was hardly discernible and Mrs. Smart could hardly read it!
discernibly (adverb), more discernibly, most discernibly
1. Referring to how something is obvious or noticeable to the intellect or senses: Even after practicing piano so much, Mary's spirit was discernibly overcome with sadness.
2. Concerning how something or someone is seen or visible: After their hike up the mountain, Jack and Jill mentioned to their friends that the mountain tops were discernibly perceptible above the layer of fog stretching across the landscape.
2. Concerning how something or someone is seen or visible: After their hike up the mountain, Jack and Jill mentioned to their friends that the mountain tops were discernibly perceptible above the layer of fog stretching across the landscape.
discerning (adjective), more discerning, most discerning
1. A reference to good judgment and good taste: A discerning mind is known to determine the best way of doing something.
2. Descriptive of showing keen insight and making good decisions: The discerning mechanic was able to quickly determine what was wrong with David's car when it wouldn't start and to fix the problem.

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2. Descriptive of showing keen insight and making good decisions: The discerning mechanic was able to quickly determine what was wrong with David's car when it wouldn't start and to fix the problem.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The ability to see and to understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently: Jake's lack of discernment led to his disastrous choice of business partners.
2. The act or process of perceiving something or exhibiting keen insight and good judgment: Gertrude was studying at the university so she could have a better discernment regarding the best vocational career to strive for.

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2. The act or process of perceiving something or exhibiting keen insight and good judgment: Gertrude was studying at the university so she could have a better discernment regarding the best vocational career to strive for.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
A disturbance in the consciousness of time: Because Jill had a very high fever, she suffered from a condition of dischronation and did not know if it were day or night.
To deprive of status as a church, or of membership in a church.