digit-, digiti-
(Latin: finger, toe; from Greek daktylos)
orofaciodigital syndrome
An inherited disorder characterized by mental retardation and deformities of the mouth, tongue, fingers, and sometimes the face.
1. The art of correcting deformities of the toes and fingers.
2. The division of podiatry that deals with the correction of deviated toes.
3. The prevention and correction of deformities of the fingers or toes.
2. The division of podiatry that deals with the correction of deviated toes.
3. The prevention and correction of deformities of the fingers or toes.
Having an even number of digits on the hands or the feet.
prestidigitate (verb), prestidigitates; prestidigitated; prestidigitating
To perform juggling tricks with the hands, or doing magic tricks with the hands: The clown on the corner of the street was prestidigitating by tossing many balls into the air one after another and catching them again in succession.
1. A presentation of skills when performing magic or producing magical tricks: Prestidigitations, or sleight of hands, are usually done to fool people.
2. Etymology: from Latin praesto-, "nimble" + digitus, "finger".

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2. Etymology: from Latin praesto-, "nimble" + digitus, "finger".

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Someone who is capable of performing magic or conjuring tricks primarily with the fingers: The prestidigitator in front of the store was an artist of deceptive sleight of hand feats.
Having six fingers and toes.
sexdigitate, sedigitate
Having an extra digit (six) on one or more hands or feet.
The state of having six fingers on a hand, or six toes on a foot.
Having three digits (fingers or toes).
tridigitate, tridactylous
Having three fingers or three toes on one hand or foot.
ulcus interdigitale
Ulceration of the skin between the toes.