dia-, di-
(Greek: through, thoroughly; across; entirely, utterly)
In general physics, the property of transmitting infrared radiation; diathermaneity: Diathermancy is the stat of being diathermic.
The doctrine or the phenomena of the transmission of radiant heat.
1. Having the property of freely transmitting radiant heat.
2. A description of a substance or a space that allows the passage of heat; especially, one that is highly conductive to heat.
2. A description of a substance or a space that allows the passage of heat; especially, one that is highly conductive to heat.
1. The therapeutic passing of high-frequency electric currents through the body by means of external electrodes in order to generate heat within the body.
2. Medical diathermy, in which the tissues are warmed but not sufficiently to change their nature.
3. Surgical diathermy, in which there is sufficient heating to produce a local change such as destruction of tissue or coagulation of bleeding vessels.
4. Local elevation of temperature within the tissues, produced by high frequency current, ultrasonic waves, or microwave radiation.
2. Medical diathermy, in which the tissues are warmed but not sufficiently to change their nature.
3. Surgical diathermy, in which there is sufficient heating to produce a local change such as destruction of tissue or coagulation of bleeding vessels.
4. Local elevation of temperature within the tissues, produced by high frequency current, ultrasonic waves, or microwave radiation.
1. A bitter, abusive criticism, a verbal attack, or a denunciation: The editor scrawled a scathing diatribe on the reporter's article before it was printed in the newspaper.

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The President has expressed many diatribes against various medias; including television, radio, and some newspapers.
2. Etymology: the Greek word diatribe, the ultimate source of the English word, is derived from the verb diatribein, made up of the prefix dia-, "completely", and tribein, "to rub, to wear away, to spend," or "to waste time, to be busy".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The tendency of a plant or plant part to grow at right angles in response to an external stimulus such as light.
2. The tendency of some plant organs to take a transverse position (sideways or an an angle) to the line of action of an outside stimulus.
2. The tendency of some plant organs to take a transverse position (sideways or an an angle) to the line of action of an outside stimulus.
electrodialysis (s), electrodialyses (pl)
1. A method of rapidly separating electrolytes from colloids by dialysis or by passing a current through a solution containing both elements.
2. A process in which an electric field transports ionized material through a membrane to separate it from other liquids or ions of opposite charge.
3. A system that uses electrical current applied to permeable membranes to remove minerals from water; for example, to desalinate salt water or brackish water.
2. A process in which an electric field transports ionized material through a membrane to separate it from other liquids or ions of opposite charge.
3. A system that uses electrical current applied to permeable membranes to remove minerals from water; for example, to desalinate salt water or brackish water.
hemodialysis, haemodialysis (s); hemodialyses, haemodialyses (pl)
1. A procedure for removing metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the bloodstream by dialysis.
2. Dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream; used in the case of kidney failure.
3. The removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the difference in the rates of their diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.
2. Dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream; used in the case of kidney failure.
3. The removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the difference in the rates of their diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.
Two distinct physical processes are involved, diffusion and ultrafiltration; also called, dialysis, kidney dialysis, and renal dialysis.
The longer of two diagonals, as of a rhombic prism.
1. Detachment of the retina.
2. Disinsertion of the retina; detachment of the retina at its peripheral insertion.
2. Disinsertion of the retina; detachment of the retina at its peripheral insertion.