
(Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)

decolorate (verb), decolorates; decolorated; decolorating
decompose (verb), decomposes; decomposed; decomposing
1. To separate into constituent components, or to cause something to separate into its constituent components: In the science laboratory, the students attempted to decompose the odd mixture in the test tubes.
2. To break down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the action of fungi and bacteria, or to be broken down in this way: Once Jack places vegetation in the compost pile, it starts to decompose and to decay.
3. To break something down into smaller or simpler fragments: The organic waste in the composter will decompose over the winter and be mixed into the garden in the spring.
decomposite (adjective), more decomposite, most decomposite
A description of solutions that have been combined or mixed more than once: The decomposite mixture was added to the test tube to determine the inflammable nature of the new mixture.
decomposition (s) (noun), decompositions (pl)
1. The act or process of breaking down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the actions of fungi and bacteria: The decomposition of the grass that was mowed from Sam's lawn provided fertilizer for his flowers and bushes.
2. The separation into constituent parts during the dissolution of the removal or alteration of some of the ingredients of a compound: The university students, Becky and Brenda, were researching the decomposition of woods, rocks, and other natural elements.

3. The act of or result of the decaying process of matter: The new composter in the garden really facilitated the decomposition of all the vegetable materials put into it.
4. The biological breakdown or decay of natural substance: In the biology laboratory, Doug, Gary and Ray studied the decomposition rates of various living ingredients.
decompound (adjective), more decompound, most decompound
1. Leaves having divisions that are themselves a union of elements or parts: There are leaves of several tropical palm trees that are examples of decompound leaves.
2. Consisting of things or parts that are already combinations of two or more elements or sections: The complex decompound sentence consisted of several short sentences, linked by the word "and".
decompress, (verb) decompresses; decompressed; decompressing
1. To cause a reduction in the atmospheric pressure of an enclosed space, or to experience such a reduction: The newly invented mini-machine was used to decompress the vacuum tube in the laboratory.
2. To allow a substance to expand to normal dimensions or volume by the removal of pressure, or to undergo this process: When the diver rose to the surface of the sea, he slowly decompressed himself so as not to become ill.
3. To relax or to unwind; especially, after being busy or stressed: After work, Shirley found that a good cup of tea helped her to decompress and to feel at ease.
4. To expand compressed electronic, or computer, data to its normal extent, or to undergo this process: The instructor said that if anyone hits a certain button, he or she will decompress the files in the computer and be able to read them.
deconcoct (verb), deconcocts; deconcocted; deconcocting
decorticate (dee KOHR ti kayt") (verb), decorticates; decorticated; decorticating
1. In botany, to remove the outer layer of a plant: To decorticate vegetation involves the removal of bark, rind, or the husks.
2. To surgically disconnect the surface layer, membrane, or fibrous cover of a body organ or structure: In this case, the surgeon may decorticate body parts of the kidney, the scar tissue of the lungs, or the cortex of the brain from the underlying white part in order to improve their functions.
3. Etymology: from Latin decorticare; from de-, "off" + cortex, "bark, rind".

decorticate (dee KOHR ti kit") (adjective), more decorticate, most decorticate

Relating to a brain that has lost the function of its cerebral cortex as a result of a disease or surgery.

The functions of the "cerebral cortex" include the perception of sensations, learning, reasoning, and memory.

decortication (dee KOHR ti kays'n") (s) (noun), decortications (pl)
The disjoining of the surface layer, membrane, or a fibrous cover of anything.
decorticator (s) (dee KOHR ti kay" tuhr) (noun), decorticators (pl)
The excision or cutting off of the outer covering of a body organ or a part of something.
decrease (verb), decreases; decreased; decreasing
1. To grow or to cause something to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount, or intensity.
2. The process of diminishing in size, strength, or amount.
3. Reducing the size, strength, or amount of something.
Creation and destruction which may occur simultaneously and are considered to be elements dependent upon each other.