
(Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)

denouncement (s) (noun), denouncements (pl)
A formal accusation, diatribe, fulmination against someone or something: Reverend Milford's denouncement from the pulpit about the cheating and extravagant behavior of city officials was strongly worded.
denouncer (s) (noun), denouncers (pl)
Anyone who speaks the perceived truth to condemn or to point out someone's conduct or actions: The editor of the local newspaper, Mr. Vaughn, was a denouncer of the improper behavior by the mayor who was caught using drugs even though he denied such accusations.
denudate (verb), denudates; denudated, denudating
To make bare or to uncover.
denude (verb), denudes; denuded; denuding
To strip away the vegetation that covers an area: Excessive logging has denuded many forests of trees all around the world.

Wildfires have been denuding many parts of California.

If something has beenĀ denuded, it has been stripped bare of its natural or normal covering.

denunciation (s) (noun), denunciations (pl)
Articulated public criticism of someone; such as, a strong reproof: Mr. Dean, the principal, was very upset and made an overt denunciation of the bad behavior of students at the soccer game.
denunciatory (adjective), more denunciatory, most denunciatory
Characterizing an open censure or reprimand by someone: Beverly saved her most denunciatory remarks for the local press about the misuse of public funds by the city council.
deny (verb), denies; denied; denying
1. To declare that something is not true or is untrue; to contradict: When a friend said that Jane was 50 years old, Jane denied this and said that she was already 52!
2. To refuse to let someone have or to do something: Tim's father denied him the possibility of taking the car because he needed it to go to work that day.
3. To refuse to acknowledge or to recognize someone; to disavow: When the police showed Mike the photo of the culprit, Mike denied having seen him in the shop where the shooting took place.
4. Etymology: from Old French denier, from Latin denegare, from de-, "away" + negare, "to refuse, to say 'no' "; from Old Latin nec, "not", from an Italic base nek-, "not".
deodorize (verb), deodorize; deodorized; deodorizing
To reduce an odor; especially, of offensive or bad odors: Marilyn had her carpet cleaned and deodorized after her cat messed it up by urinating on it one day.
1. To depart deliberately from orbit, usually to enter a descent phase.
2. To cause to deliberately depart from orbit.
deoxidation (s) (noun), deoxidations (pl)
The process of depriving a chemical compound of its oxygen: Deoxidation of metal can take place in an enclosed chamber with heat when a limey slag is used to take away the sulphur.
deoxidize (verb), deoxidizes; deoxidized; deoxidizing
To remove oxygen from its chemical combination; deoxygenate: The very high temperature of the sun can be used as a force to deoxidize carbonic acid.