(Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word)
demonstrate (verb), demonstrates; demonstrated; demonstrating
1. To show clearly and deliberately, manifest: They were able to demonstrate their desire to help the street people by collecting food and preparing meals for them.
2. To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; to prove.
3. To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; to explain and illustrate.
4. To show the use of; such as, an article to a prospective buyer.
5. To give an example of how to do something: Mrs. Shaffer described the dance step, then she chose a partner and demonstrated how it could be done.
6. To participate in a public display of opinion: The day laborers demonstrated against the new tax hikes.
7. In the military, to attack or to make a show of force to deceive an enemy.
2. To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; to prove.
3. To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; to explain and illustrate.
4. To show the use of; such as, an article to a prospective buyer.
5. To give an example of how to do something: Mrs. Shaffer described the dance step, then she chose a partner and demonstrated how it could be done.
6. To participate in a public display of opinion: The day laborers demonstrated against the new tax hikes.
7. In the military, to attack or to make a show of force to deceive an enemy.
demonstrated (adjective), more demonstrated, most demonstrated
A reference to something that has been verified, or shown to be true, beyond any doubt; or is incapable of being contested or disputed.
1. The act of showing or making evident; a presentation to others of the way in which something works or is done.
2. Conclusive evidence; proof.
3. An illustration or explanation, as of a theory or product, by exemplification or practical application; conclusive proof.
4. A manifestation, as of one's feelings.
5. A public display of group opinion; a public show as a group for or against an issue, cause, or person; as by a rally or march: Ted and his friends attended the peace demonstrations.
6. A show of military force or readiness for combat.
2. Conclusive evidence; proof.
3. An illustration or explanation, as of a theory or product, by exemplification or practical application; conclusive proof.
4. A manifestation, as of one's feelings.
5. A public display of group opinion; a public show as a group for or against an issue, cause, or person; as by a rally or march: Ted and his friends attended the peace demonstrations.
6. A show of military force or readiness for combat.
demonstrative (di MOHN struh tiv) (adjective), more demonstrative, most demonstrative
1. Descriptive of openly and freely showing emotions or feelings: Jake's sister is more demonstrative than he is about their father's death.
3. In grammar, specifying or singling out the person or thing referred to: The demonstrative pronouns include the following examples: "this", "these", "that", and "those".

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The little puppy is very demonstrative with everyone it meets.
2. Involving or characterized by revealing something: The mayor's speech is demonstrative of the financial problems the city is facing.3. In grammar, specifying or singling out the person or thing referred to: The demonstrative pronouns include the following examples: "this", "these", "that", and "those".

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demonstratively (adverb)
In a manifestation of emotion or feelings: "Freda's husband greeted her demonstratively with a big hug."
demonstrativeness (s) (noun)
1. Tending to express one's feelings freely.
2. Marked by a display of feeling.
3. Inclined to display feelings openly.
2. Marked by a display of feeling.
3. Inclined to display feelings openly.
1. Those who participate in a public display of group feelings: There were thousands of demonstrators marching through the streets opposing the new austerity measures.
2. A person who shows an article to a prospective buyer.
3. An instructor, or an assistant, who explains the principles that are being taught or studied: The professor was an expert demonstrator of the procedures required to properly prepare the experiment.
2. A person who shows an article to a prospective buyer.
3. An instructor, or an assistant, who explains the principles that are being taught or studied: The professor was an expert demonstrator of the procedures required to properly prepare the experiment.
demoralize (verb), demoralizes; demoralized; demoralizing
1. To discourage someone; to lose hope or confidence in something: It demoralized and disheartened Mildred to see her elderly mother so extremely sick and terribly weak.
2. To corrupt in a moral sense; to debauch: Some parents are very anxious that R-rated movies might demoralize their children with the result that they would lose their awareness of what is right and what is wrong.

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2. To corrupt in a moral sense; to debauch: Some parents are very anxious that R-rated movies might demoralize their children with the result that they would lose their awareness of what is right and what is wrong.

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demotic (adjective), more demotic, most demotic
1. Relating to or involving ordinary people.
2. Relating to a simplified form of hieroglyphics, the writing system used in ancient Egypt. Literally, "of the people".
2. Relating to a simplified form of hieroglyphics, the writing system used in ancient Egypt. Literally, "of the people".
demountable (adjective), more demountable, most demountable
1. Referring to the removal of something from the setting or place of support: Jack took the demountable gun from its location above the mantel in order to clean it.
2. Capable of being taken apart or disassembled: The watchmaker scrutinized the demountable parts of the timepiece before beginning to repair it.
3. The capacity of being taken apart and and readily reassembled or repositioned again: Mark had to remove the different demountable parts of his bike to clean them before he could ride it again.
2. Capable of being taken apart or disassembled: The watchmaker scrutinized the demountable parts of the timepiece before beginning to repair it.
3. The capacity of being taken apart and and readily reassembled or repositioned again: Mark had to remove the different demountable parts of his bike to clean them before he could ride it again.
demulce (verb), demulces; demulced; demulcing
1. To relieve, or to ease, by making someone calm and more relaxed.
2. To alleviate or to make something less severe.
2. To alleviate or to make something less severe.
demulceate (verb), demulceates; demulceated; demulceating
To sooth and to soften.