cura-, cur-
(Latin: care, heal, cure; care for, give attention to, to take care of)
accurate (adjective), more accurate, most accurate
1. Giving a correct, or truthful, representation of something: "Jim's account of what happened yesterday was not accurate."
2. That which is precise or free from errors and done with care: "Mary made an accurate report about the business transaction."
3. Capable of providing information in accordance with an accepted standard: "The radio-controlled watch provides the most accurate time that one can have."
4. Etymology: from Latin cura, "care"; and accurare means "to take care of".
2. That which is precise or free from errors and done with care: "Mary made an accurate report about the business transaction."
3. Capable of providing information in accordance with an accepted standard: "The radio-controlled watch provides the most accurate time that one can have."
4. Etymology: from Latin cura, "care"; and accurare means "to take care of".
The past participle accuratus means "done with care", and from it we have the word accurate.
accurately (adverb), more accurately, most accurately
assure (verb), assures; assured; assuring
1. To overcome someone's doubt or disbelief about something: "The financial advisor assured Mildred that her investment was safe."
2. To cause someone to feel confident: "Manfred assured his wife that he loved her and he would always be with her as long as they lived."
3. Etymology: from Old French aseurer, "to make sure"; from Vulgar Latin assecurar, from Latin ad-, "to" + securus, "sure, safe, secure".
2. To cause someone to feel confident: "Manfred assured his wife that he loved her and he would always be with her as long as they lived."
3. Etymology: from Old French aseurer, "to make sure"; from Vulgar Latin assecurar, from Latin ad-, "to" + securus, "sure, safe, secure".
The Latin word securus also gives us "secure".
assuredly (adverb), more assuredly, most assuredly
A reference to showing certainty with no doubt of one's capabilities: "Having studied diligently throughout the semester, Jim assuredly approached his final exams with confidence that he would have very good grades."
The possibility of being healed: The diagnosis of Dr. Smithson indicated that he was convinced of Helen's curability by using certain medications and other medical treatments.
curable (adjective), more curable, most curable
Pertaining to an emotional or a physical affliction that can be healed with proper medical treatment: Most illnesses are curable with the right diagnosis and therapy or remedies provided by physicians.
curably (adverb), more curably, most curably
A reference to how procedures show possibilities of healing: Mark's illness was very serious, however the doctors were determined to find a curably successful treatment for him.
1. A religious cleric; especially, one who has charge of a parish.
2. An Anglican priest who helps a more senior priest
2. An Anglican priest who helps a more senior priest
curate (verb), curates; curated; curating
1. To organize and to oversee a museum, a gallery, or other types of collections for the public to see.
2. Etymology: from Latin cura, "care, concern, attention, management"; from Old Latin coira.
2. Etymology: from Latin cura, "care, concern, attention, management"; from Old Latin coira.
The general meaning of a "manager" or "overseer" was borrowed directly from Latin curator.
A medicine or therapy that restores one's health from a disease or relieves pain.
curative (adjective), more curative, most curative
curatively (adverb), more curatively, most curatively
1. The administrative head or manager who takes care of a museum, a gallery, a library, etc.: Each curator is expected to provide whatever is necessary to make sure that the things he or she is responsible for are safe and secure.
2. A trustee who is legally appointed to act as a guardian of an estate of someone who is not sufficiently competent to mange it: Gerald was chosen to be the curator of his elderly mother because she couldn't take care of herself or her property anymore.
3. Etymology: from Latin curare, "to care for".

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2. A trustee who is legally appointed to act as a guardian of an estate of someone who is not sufficiently competent to mange it: Gerald was chosen to be the curator of his elderly mother because she couldn't take care of herself or her property anymore.
3. Etymology: from Latin curare, "to care for".