cruci-, crux
(Latin: cross, crosslike; from the gallows tree)
1. A wooden cross used for executions of people by being nailed or tied to an upright cross and left to hang there until dead as done by the Romans: In her history class at school, Carol learned that a crucifx was used in ancient times for executing convicted criminals.
2. An image or figure of Jesus on the cross: A crucifix is a cross that is viewed as a symbol of Jesus' crucifixion which is used as a model of Jesus Christ dying on a cross, often found in a church or even worn as jewelry.
3. The iron cross which is a position on gymnastic rings: A crucifix is a gymnastic exercise that is performed on the rings when the gymnast supports himself or herself with both arms extended horizontally from each side of the body.
2. An image or figure of Jesus on the cross: A crucifix is a cross that is viewed as a symbol of Jesus' crucifixion which is used as a model of Jesus Christ dying on a cross, often found in a church or even worn as jewelry.
3. The iron cross which is a position on gymnastic rings: A crucifix is a gymnastic exercise that is performed on the rings when the gymnast supports himself or herself with both arms extended horizontally from each side of the body.
1. The act of executing or putting to death by a method widespread in the ancient world during which the victim's hands and feet were bound or nailed to a cross: Crucifixions were morbid ways of torture and the killing of a person while at the same time humiliating the victim by being exposed to the public.
2. Any representation of Jesus Christ's death on the cross: In many Christian churches there is at least one symbol of the crucifixion to be seen which creates an atmosphere of solemness.
3. A public presentation involving harsh criticisms of someone or something that has disastrous results: Rose read about a politician in the newspaper who had immoral affairs which resulted in a crucifixion of his marital and political life.
2. Any representation of Jesus Christ's death on the cross: In many Christian churches there is at least one symbol of the crucifixion to be seen which creates an atmosphere of solemness.
3. A public presentation involving harsh criticisms of someone or something that has disastrous results: Rose read about a politician in the newspaper who had immoral affairs which resulted in a crucifixion of his marital and political life.
A cross or a representation of a cross.
cruciform (adjective), more cruciform, most cruciform
Shaped like a cross or cross-shaped.
crucify (verb), crucifies; crucified; crucifying
1. To put (a person) to death by nailing or binding to a cross.
2. To mortify or to subdue (the flesh).
3. To treat cruelly; torment; as, "They crucified the awkward child with teasing."
4. To criticize harshly; pillory: "The media crucified the politician for breaking a campaign pledge."
2. To mortify or to subdue (the flesh).
3. To treat cruelly; torment; as, "They crucified the awkward child with teasing."
4. To criticize harshly; pillory: "The media crucified the politician for breaking a campaign pledge."
1. A devotee of crossword puzzles, or an expert at solving them.
2. A designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles; a maker or creator of crossword puzzles.
2. A designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles; a maker or creator of crossword puzzles.
Someone who loves or who is very fond of crossword puzzles: Janet's next-doof neighbor who was a cruciverbalophile and had a whole collection of crossword puzzles which she was so devoted to, and she completed at least one every day!
cruise (verb), cruises; cruised, cruising
1. To sail or travel about, as for pleasure or reconnaissance.
2. To go or move along, especially in an unhurried or unconcerned fashion.
3. To travel at a constant speed or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period.
4. To move leisurely about an area in the hope of discovering something; such as, "The taxis were cruising for fares."
5. The act or an instance of cruising, especially a sea voyage for pleasure.
6. Etymologically: Dutch kruisen, to cross, from kruis, cross, from Middle Dutch cruce, from Latin crux, cruc-, "cross".
2. To go or move along, especially in an unhurried or unconcerned fashion.
3. To travel at a constant speed or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period.
4. To move leisurely about an area in the hope of discovering something; such as, "The taxis were cruising for fares."
5. The act or an instance of cruising, especially a sea voyage for pleasure.
6. Etymologically: Dutch kruisen, to cross, from kruis, cross, from Middle Dutch cruce, from Latin crux, cruc-, "cross".
1. One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.
2. A ship that travels on the seas for the pleasure of its passengers.
3. Someone who goes on ship tours for adventure, etc.
4. A police car, especially one used to patrol an area.
2. A ship that travels on the seas for the pleasure of its passengers.
3. Someone who goes on ship tours for adventure, etc.
4. A police car, especially one used to patrol an area.
1. Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims: Mrs. Hathaway, Sandy's history teacher, told her students about the religious crusades in medieval times.
2. A holy war undertaken with papal sanction: Formally, a crusade was a religious war that was embarked on with the pope's encouragement and permission.
3. A strong movement for a cause or against an abuse: The town decided to organize a crusade against drunk driving.
2. A holy war undertaken with papal sanction: Formally, a crusade was a religious war that was embarked on with the pope's encouragement and permission.
3. A strong movement for a cause or against an abuse: The town decided to organize a crusade against drunk driving.
The Crusades refers to the nine historical European-Christian military expeditions to the Muslim-controlled Holy Land. The term "crusaders" refers or those taking part in those campaigns.
In English, the term crusade has come to refer to any type of campaign that is conducted with an emphasis on zeal and persistence. Even in these days it may refer to a contemporary attack against Islam, whether perceived or real, asserted to be of similar nature or basis as the historic Crusades.
crusade (verb), crusades; crusaded; crusading
To campaign against something or to promote something vigorously: After recovering from his addiction to alcohol, he crusaded against the use of alcohol as a drug because he considered it to be wrong.
1. A warrior who engages in a holy war: "The crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims."
2. An vigorous concerted effort, movement, or cause against something considered to be evil.
3. A disputant who advocates reform.
2. An vigorous concerted effort, movement, or cause against something considered to be evil.
3. A disputant who advocates reform.
crux (noun); cruxes, cruces (pl)
1. An essential, basic, crucial, or pivotal point.
2. The basic, central, or critical point or feature: "The crux of the matter resulted in a problem for the family."
2. The basic, central, or critical point or feature: "The crux of the matter resulted in a problem for the family."
"The crux of the argument was not resolved."
3. A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem.
excruciate (verb), excruciates; excruciated; excruciating
1. To torture someone by inflicting physical pain.
2. To inflict severe mental and emotional distress on someone.
2. To inflict severe mental and emotional distress on someone.
excruciating (adjective), more excruciating, most excruciating
1. Intensely painful; agonizing: When James slipped and fell on the icy steps, he suffered excruciating pain in his arm because it was broken.
2. Very intense or extreme: Mary wrote her essay with excruciating precision and accuracy.

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2. Very intense or extreme: Mary wrote her essay with excruciating precision and accuracy.