concho-, conch-, conchi- +
(Greek > Latin: shell, sea shells; shell-like bone or cavity of the body)
A shell-fish, a mollusc.
1. A spiral univalve shell; a snail-shell.
2. A screw; the water-screw of Archimedes.
3. The spiral cavity of the internal ear.
2. A screw; the water-screw of Archimedes.
3. The spiral cavity of the internal ear.
Special gardens in which certain snails are raised; such as, escargots, for human consumption.
Resembling a snail-shell, spiral, winding.
Formed like a spiral shell; twisted, spiral.
Formed like a snail-shell.
Spiral, screw-like.
A term applied to fruits that are spirally twisted.
A fossil spiral shell.
The common name for any of several species of gastropod molllusks in the family Strombidae, having large colorful shells.
The shell is used to make cameos and porcelain.
concha (s), conchae (pl)
1. A shell.
2. In medical-anatomical nomenclature, a structure or part that resembles a sea shell in shape.
3. Any of various physical structures; such as, the external ear, that resemble a shell in shape. Also called conch.
4. In architecture, the half dome over an apse.
2. In medical-anatomical nomenclature, a structure or part that resembles a sea shell in shape.
3. Any of various physical structures; such as, the external ear, that resemble a shell in shape. Also called conch.
4. In architecture, the half dome over an apse.
A collector of shellcrafts (objects made from sea shells): Stella's mother had a very unique hobby of collecting beautiful items made of seashells, like mirrors, shell jewellery, and figurines, and, as a conchadophilist, she had a huge accumulation of gorgeous objects in her home.
Having a longisectional shape, resembling half of a bivalve shell; said especially of a cap or fruiting body of a fungus.
1. Bearing or carrying a shell.
2. Producing or having shells.
2. Producing or having shells.
Shaped like one half of a bivalve shell; shell-shaped; conchate.
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.