ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
(Latin: to set in motion, to hurry, to shake; to drive; to do, to act; to lead, to conduct, to guide)
excogitive (adjective), more excogitive, most excogitive
Conveying or relating to the formation of concepts or inventions by actively and fully using the mind to develop details: Susan was expecting guests over for dinner, one of whom was a vegan, and so she spent excogitive time informing herself about what vegans may or may not eat in order to prepare a proper meal for that person and the other guests as well.
1. An urgent situation that demands great attention and exertion and which puts pressure on the people involved: The couple had to cope with the exigencies of their financial situation.
2. A difficult situation requiring urgent action: The case of exigency suddenly came to life as the neighbors daughter was stuck up in a high tree and couldn't get down again!
3. The needs, demands, or requirements intrinsic to circumstances, conditions, etc.: When the great floods covered many parts of the area, fast exigency was called for or insisted on to save the people from losing their homes and even their lives.
2. A difficult situation requiring urgent action: The case of exigency suddenly came to life as the neighbors daughter was stuck up in a high tree and couldn't get down again!
3. The needs, demands, or requirements intrinsic to circumstances, conditions, etc.: When the great floods covered many parts of the area, fast exigency was called for or insisted on to save the people from losing their homes and even their lives.
exigent (adjective), more exigent, most exigent
1.Referring to something that needs immediate action or aid; urgent: The questions asked by the police were of an exigent nature and had to be answered quickly.
2. Concerning someone making heavy demands: The protesters were making exigent or pressing requests of the politicians of their town.
2. Concerning someone making heavy demands: The protesters were making exigent or pressing requests of the politicians of their town.
At the doctor's office there was a most exigent patient wanting to see Dr. Smith at once!
Exigent and pressing pertains to an urgency that requires prompt action.
exigently (adverb), more exigently, most exigently
1. Referring to how an action or remedy needs immediate attention: The financial market called for exigently fast solutions.
2. Characterized by how an effort or expense is demanding: At school, the principal exigently required the student to answer his questions.
2. Characterized by how an effort or expense is demanding: At school, the principal exigently required the student to answer his questions.
exiguous (ig ZIG yoo uhs, ik SIK yoo uhs) (adjective), more exiguous, most exiguous
Pertaining to something that is scanty or meager: Mildred was wearing exiguous clothing which was not sufficient for the cold weather she was being exposed to.

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exiguously (adverb), more exiguously, most exiguously
Descriptive of how something is extremely scanty, meagre, or deficient: Jack had only a exiguously small amount of money in his pocket, so he asked his friend to pay the bill.
Sally dressed herself exiguously before going out with her friends to the park.
The condition of being scanty or extremely deficient in quantity: diminutiveness: Jane's exiguousness in dressing for the concert was not accepted by her parents who asked her to put on more clothing!
A chemical compound or substance used while it is in a gaseous state: Ed had a man come to his farm to spray a fumigant of pesticides and disinfectants to make the barn safer for his live stock."
fumigate (verb), fumigates; fumigated; fumigating
To expose by the action of smoke or of fumes of any kind as a means of disinfection or eradication: An exterminator fumigated Jenny's apartment by using chemical compounds in a gaseous state to get rid of the cockroaches in her rooms.
1. The act of applying a gas or smoke to disinfect or to purify something: Fumigation was necessary in order to eliminate the bed bugs that were infecting Lynn's home.
2. Etymology: "to make aromatic smoke as part of a ceremony" from Old French fumigation, from Latin fumigationem, fumigatio, from fumigare, "to smoke"; from fumus, "smoke, fume" + root of agere, "to drive".
2. Etymology: "to make aromatic smoke as part of a ceremony" from Old French fumigation, from Latin fumigationem, fumigatio, from fumigare, "to smoke"; from fumus, "smoke, fume" + root of agere, "to drive".
The sense of "to expose (someone or something) to aromatic fumes" is originally a reference to a medicinal or therapeutic treatment.
1. An apparatus that applies smoke or gas: The fumigator used certain chemicals to exterminate the pests in the basement of Tim's house.
2. A skilled workman who cleanses or purifies an area: A fumigator had to come to Jill's house in order to eradicate the coakroaches.
2. A skilled workman who cleanses or purifies an area: A fumigator had to come to Jill's house in order to eradicate the coakroaches.
An air-tight chamber or a building in which a gaseous substance is applied, especially used for plants: The fumigatorium where Bob's uncle worked, generated a vapor that destroyed insect pests on developing flowering plants.
Referring to the quality of disinfecting by smoke: The device that Mr. Tillman used had a fumigatory effect on the weeds that needed to be eradicated.
A room or an apparatus used for spreading smoke or a vapor for disinfecting something: Tony found out that a fumigatory was a device that could be used in order to disinfect his bed and get rid of the bed bugs that had infected it.
hyperactive (high" pur AK tiv) (adjective), more hyperactive, most hyperactive
Overly active, such as the inability to relax or to sit quietly: Hyperactive children are characterized by constant motion-exploring, experimenting, etc. and this condition is usually accompanied by distractions and frustrations.
Some medical specialists suggest that a hyperactive adult might have brain damage and psychosis, but not necessarily.