ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
(Latin: to set in motion, to hurry, to shake; to drive; to do, to act; to lead, to conduct, to guide)
transactional (adjective), more transactional, most transactional
Involving or pertaining to the activity of carrying on business: The bank thought that transactional abilities and proficiencies should be of high importance in the financial business.
unagitated (adjective), more unagitated, most unagitated
1. Not physically moved or disturbed; nonturbulent: The air outside seemed to be completely unagitated by any breezes, and totally calm and tranquil.
2. Not mentally disturbed; not stirred or excited by emotion or unrest: Even in times of stress, Robin seemed to be quite composed, unagitated, and self-possessed.
2. Not mentally disturbed; not stirred or excited by emotion or unrest: Even in times of stress, Robin seemed to be quite composed, unagitated, and self-possessed.
Clarity or clearness which is achieved by the avoidance of vagueness or lack of understanding: The unambiguity and preciseness of the statements of how the accident happened were presented by the witness during the trial.
unambiguous (un" am BIG yoo uhs) (adjective), more unambiguous, most unambiguous
A reference to something that has no uncertainty but is clearly expressed: In order for her chemistry students to understand everything with preciseness, Mrs. Smith was absolutely unambiguous in explaining the procedures for completing the test in a proper and correct manner.
unmitigated (adjective), more unmitigated, most unmitigated
1. Pertaining to something that has not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity: Jack's unmitigated ailment got worse from day to day, and he even vomited more than before.

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Debby's exhaustion was unmitigated and had not decreased or eased in any way.
Doug was experiencing unmitigated suffering.
2. Descriptive of something that is without qualification or exception; absolute: Peggy told the police officer an unmitigated lie about how she was driving.

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variegate (verb), variegates; variegated; variegating
1. To change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors; to streak: Nature is constantly variegating all kinds of flowers with different forms, odors, and various hues and tinges.
2. To give variety to or to include many different things: Sam variegated his working years with several different occupations.

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2. To give variety to or to include many different things: Sam variegated his working years with several different occupations.

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1. The condition of being spotted or streaked; the variation in colouring: Meg added some variegation to the painting of the forest by adding diverse greens.
At the garden center, Mrs. Tree admired the variegation in the leaves and flowers of the different plants on display.
2. The action of presenting an assortment of goods or services; diversification: Jill's financial advisor suggested that variegation in her investments would be a very good idea in order to reduce possible loses.
A response that occurs in the muscles of the body as a result of the stimulation of the nerves in one or more of the internal organs of the body: The delicate post-surgical instruments were able to track the viscerosomatic reactions of the abdominal muscles in the patient's physical structure.