clud-, claud-, claus-, clos-, -clude, -clois, -cluding, -cluded, -clus, -clusion, -clusive
(Latin: to close, to shut)
closed pores (pl) (noun)
Cavities inside a material that are impermeable when the material is immersed in a liquid, in contrast to open pores or the spaces between particles, cracks, and capillaries that extend into materials from their surfaces.
Impermeable refers to a situation that does not permit the passage of liquid, gas, or other fluids to take place.
1. A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies, or clothing.
2. A small private chamber, used for study or prayer.
3. Primarily in Britain, a water closet; a toilet.
4. A state of secrecy or cautious privacy.
5. Etymology: from the late 14th century; from Old French closet, "small enclosure, private room"; from Latin clausum, "closed space"; from claudere, "to shut".
2. A small private chamber, used for study or prayer.
3. Primarily in Britain, a water closet; a toilet.
4. A state of secrecy or cautious privacy.
5. Etymology: from the late 14th century; from Old French closet, "small enclosure, private room"; from Latin clausum, "closed space"; from claudere, "to shut".
closet (verb), closets; closeted; closeting
1. To enclose or to shut up in a private room in order to have a discussion or meeting away from other people.
2. To put oneself in a small room in order to provide privacy or a place where it is quiet: "The university student closeted herself in her room so she could study without being disturbed."
2. To put oneself in a small room in order to provide privacy or a place where it is quiet: "The university student closeted herself in her room so she could study without being disturbed."
closing (KLOHZ ing) (adjective)
Forming the last part or end of something: "The book's closing chapters were the most significant part of the novel."
"The producer's name is listed in the movie's closing credits."
"In the lawyer's closing arguments, he repeated that his client was innocent of the charges."
1. A situation or occurrence in which something closes permanently: "A lack of city funds has resulted in the closures of several schools."
2. A feeling that something has been completed or that a problem has been resolved: "He spoke to the group with the hope that they all could get some closure with the project."
3. A feeling that a bad experience has ended and that those who experienced the situation can start to live normal lives again: "They all felt a sense of closure after their daughter's killer was finally sent to prison for life."
4. The process in which something is put together or closed: "The coat had a zipper closure."
2. A feeling that something has been completed or that a problem has been resolved: "He spoke to the group with the hope that they all could get some closure with the project."
3. A feeling that a bad experience has ended and that those who experienced the situation can start to live normal lives again: "They all felt a sense of closure after their daughter's killer was finally sent to prison for life."
4. The process in which something is put together or closed: "The coat had a zipper closure."
1. A method of quickly closing debate and calling for an immediate vote on the matter at hand in U.S. parliamentary procedures: "In the United States Senate, to achieve cloture requires a supermajority of three-fifths thus ending debate and causing an immediate vote on the matter being discussed."
"Apparently, the cloture rule is the only conventional way to stop an attempt to delay a Senate action."
2. Etymology: the French word for "the action of closing", applied to debates in the French Assembly, then to the House of Commons, and then the U.S. Congress; from French clôture, from Old French closture, "barrier, division; enclosure, hedge, fence, wall"; from Latin clausura, "lock, fortress, a closing", from claudere, "to close".
come close (verb), comes close; came close; coming close
1. To almost do something: "They didn't win the game, but they came close to doing it."
2. To be similar to something or as good as expected: "The food comes close to tasting like chicken, but it's really fried grasshoppers."
2. To be similar to something or as good as expected: "The food comes close to tasting like chicken, but it's really fried grasshoppers."
conclude (verb), concludes; concluded; concluding
concluded (adjective)
concluding (adjective)
1. A final settlement: The conclusion or completion of a business deal was achieved by Mark and his colleagues.
2. The act of making up one's mind about something: Jerry made his conclusions to quickly have surgery after he discussed the problem with his doctor.

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2. The act of making up one's mind about something: Jerry made his conclusions to quickly have surgery after he discussed the problem with his doctor.
The woman in the cartoon came to the conclusion that the parrot made the long distance phone calls.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
conclusive (adjective), more conclusive, most conclusive
A reference to evidence or an argument that is decisive or convincing: There was conclusive confirmation on the telephone bill which showed that the Johnson’s daughter, Sharon, had made an excessive number of phone calls!

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conclusively (adverb)
conclusiveness (s) (noun)
disclose (dis KLOHZ) verb), discloses; disclosed; disclosing
To reveal something that has been kept a secret: The reporter refused to disclose the source of the information he presented in his article.
So far, the identity of the robbery victim has not been disclosed to the public by the police.