agglutino-, aggluto-, agglutin- +

(Latin: ad-, "to, toward, near" plus gluten, glutinis, "glue, beeswax")

bacterioagglutinin (s) (noun), bacterioagglutinins (pl)
An antibody that agglutinates bacteria: In one of her medical classes, Janet learned that bacterioagglutinin was an antibody in serum that produced the clumping of bacteria in vitro, or outside the body of an animal.
coagglutinin (s) (noun), coagglutinins (pl)
A substance that per se does not agglutinate an antigen: A coagglutinin results in agglutination of antigen that is appropriately coated with univalent antibody.
idioagglutinin (s) (noun), idioagglutinins (pl)
An agglutinin that occurs naturally in the blood of a person or an animal: Since idioagglutinin already exists in an individual's blood, an injection of a stimulating antigen or the passive transfer of an antibody is not required.
isoagglutinin (s) (noun), isoagglutinins (pl)
An isoantibody that causes agglutination of cells of genetically different members of the same species: An isoagglutinin is an antibody formed or created by a single animal that effects agglutination of the red blood cells of other animals of the same species.
leukoagglutinin, leucoagglutinin (s) (noun); leukoagglutinins; leucoagglutinins (pl)
An antibody that agglutinates white blood cells: A leukoagglutinin is an antigenic glycoprotein that brings about the clumping of white blood cells.
pseudoagglutination (s) (noun), pseudoagglutinations (pl)
An agglomeration of particles in solution that does not involve antigen-antibody combination: Pseudoagglutination occurs with red blood cells that are grouped together resembling a rouleaux or a roll of coins.
spermagglutination (s) (noun), spermagglutinations (pl)
Agglutination of spermatozoa: Mark read that spermagglutination was the clumping together of the male reproductive cells, or the male gametes.
sporoagglutination (s) (noun), sporoagglutinations (pl)
A diagnostic method in relation to the mycoses: The diagnostic or symptomatic approach of sporoagglutination is based upon the knowledge that the blood of patients with ailments induced by fungi cosists of certain agglutinins that cause clumping of the spores of these organisms.